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The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage Chapter 975

Chapter 975

As Frank drove, he glanced at Kat in the backseat. “Let’s go to a hospital nearby.”

“Hold up. When did you get so friendly with the Soranos, Master Lawrence?” Kat asked, not bothered by her injuries, moving about restlessly even though Helen told her not to move.

“One of their retainers is my patient, that’s all,” Frank said.

Kat whistled, impressed. “That’s so cool… I think I should give up on martial arts and pick up medicine!”

“Why don’t you actually study properly first?” Frank shot her down, not holding back at all. “Medicine requires specialized knowledge, while you don’t know a thing. Would you manage to learn anything at all?”

“Hmph. More like you just don’t want to teach me.” Kat pouted, folding her arms before her chest.

Frank chuckled. “Fine, then let’s give you a crash course. First, you will memorize the names and the properties of ten thousand medicinal herbs, and the effects if they were mixed together.”

That was enough to give Kat a migraine, and she threw up her hands in resignation, while Helen hid a giggle.

They arrived at the emergency ward, and Frank was cleaning Kat’s scratches when he saw an ambulance come bounding into the hospital compound.

“Make way, make way!”

A group of doctors and nurses were hurriedly wheeling a man, whose face was covered in blood, into the operating room.

In fact, he was beaten up all over-he was a gruesome mess.


Frank was ready to leave since it was none of his business, when he saw a black, unevenly shaped pill dropping off the patient’s hand.

He did a double take as he recognized that it was the antidote pill he refined.

He then looked at the patient’s face and was soon left thunderstruck as he remembered.

It was Nash Yego, Kat’s father!

Frank’s shock showed on his face too. “Didn’t I send him to deliver the pills to Gus Zeller? How did he-”

“Master Lawrence? Why are you spacing out there?”

Kat saw Frank standing and spacing out in the hallway and waved in front of his eyes.


Frank did a double take but quickly realized that he could not let Kat find out about this.

Forcing a smile, he threw Helen his car key and said solemnly, “Sorry something just came up. Go back to the cottage, and don’t run off again.”

“Huh? What came up?” Kat asked, suspicious.

Frank nodded and smiled to make himself look as natural as possible.

“It’s the Soranos. I told you that one of their retainers was my patient, didn’t I?”

“Fine,” Kat replied grumpily. “Be back soon.”

“Yeah,” Frank said, waving her goodbye.

“Frank, what happened?” Helen asked, frowning worriedly.

Kat might not be able to read Frank’s mind, but Helen had been with him long enough to tell.


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