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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 833

Chapter 833

“Are you saying a mother would harm her own kid? Balfour, have you lost your marbles? I also had a glass of that pomegranate juice. If it was poisoned, how come I’m still standing?

If there was indeed something off about the juice, it could simply be a case of bad food pairing, which is an accident. There’s no way my mom intended this

Patricia argued logically using the fact that she had also drunk the juice as her defense. This left Balfour with no room for arguments, thus reducing his suspicion towards Xenia, so he kept his mouth shut.

Ellinor chuckled “Ms Howard, did you conveniently forget? Right after you finished your glass, you bolted to the restroom and threw it all up”

Patricia’s e eyes flickered, and her brows furrowed. She swallowed her anger and resentment, looking at Ellinor and appearing wronged

“Ellinor, do you just love stirring the pot? When did i throw up the juice? Got any proof? I simply went to the restroom! Why are you so hell bent on blarning my mom?” Ellinor calmly looked at Patricia, feeling like applauding her for handling this unexpected situation so effectively

At that moment, the silent McNeil Howard cleared his throat and said, “Enough! No more bickering outside the emergency room. The truth will be out once the test results

are in ”

His words carried weight. As soon as McNeil Howard spoke, everyone simmered down.

Patricia and Xenia exchanged glances, both contemplating their next move

Ellinor was in no rush to find the real culprit. If one didn’t want others to know what they had done, they shouldnt have ever done it in the first place. The mother-daughter duo won’t be able to weasel out of this!

Out of concern for pregnant Ellinor, Thea led her to a nearby waiting chair.

He gently pressed her shoulder, signaling her to sit and wait.

Patricia watched this scene with eyes filled with jealousy

After watching Ellinor being treated so gently by Theo, Patricia approached and said, “Theo, I know you have a soft spot for Ellinor, and you’re on her side. But just because you fancy her you cant let her accuse my mom, can you? Even considering that I once saved your life, you can’t sit back and watch my family be framed.”

Theo glanced at her, remembering how she saved his life. He was moved but remained silent for two seconds before saying, “I haven’t expressed my opinion yet. As for whether your mother is being unjustly accused, let’s wait for the test results.”

Ellinor didn’t say anything she just watched Patricia’s performance quietly. She was using the fact that she saved Theo’s life to blackmail him.

It was laughable that over her being his savior was a sham

She had stolen the credit from others and was still acting high and mighty What a joke!


Patricia attempted to grab the hem of Theo’s clothes. She always did this because she didn’t dare hold his hand. She would lightly pull at his clothes, trying to get his attention, hoping he would look at her

But this time, she didn’t manage to touch his cloilies because, when she was about to touch their hem, Ellinor stopped her.

Ellinor firmly gripped Patricia’s wrist, like a cop catching a thief, holding her hand firmly. With a sarcastic smile, she asked, ‘Ms. Howard, are you trying to make an inappropriate move on my husband in broad daylight?”

Patricia’s face went sour She tried to pull her hand back, but she couldn’t

“Ellinor, what are you doing? Ouch! It hurts… Theo, help ma; Ellinor is hurting me..


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