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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 716

Chapter 716

“So, you two are using your jobs as medical staff as an excuse to pry into the private lives of blood donors? Do you have no professional ethics?” Balfour sarcastically questioned, making the two young nurses hang their heads in shame

“Mr. Howard, we know we messed up! In fact, we’re just interns right now, we’re not even real nurses yet.

So, we’re hoping you’ll let this slide and not make a big fuss about it. We don’t want our mistake to tarnish the public’s view of our hospital or the medical profession as a whole. The rest of our colleagues are hard working and professional, it wouldn’t be fair to let our screw–up affect them.

As for me, I know I’m not cut out for this sacred job anymore, Ill be handing in my resignation to the hospitall

Balfour listened impassively, then tumed to the other silent nurse, asking. “She’s quitting on her own, what about you?”

The other nurse, looking downcast and choked up, said “Mr Howard, I lost the bet. I was already planning to quit my intern position and leave the hospital Don’t worry, once I’m gone, I won’t do anything to damage the hospital s image”

Balfour, a decisive figure in the business world, had no mercy, nor was he swayed by a woman’s tears.

He firmly believed that adults should be accountable for their actions, and if you screw up, you’ve got to pay the price

The two nurses, out of sheer boredom, took it upon themselves to carry out DNA blood tests on donors to satisfy their own curiosity, which was completely out of line They had no business working in a hospital.

Balfour turned to Quinton, coldly ordering. “Have someone question them thoroughly again, check their recent activities, see if there are any suspicious places outside the hospital, and confirm if what they just said was true. If no issues are found, report their actions to the head of K City Hospital and let their superiors

deal with it”

Resignation was too light a punishment for them; they deserved to face the consequences and never work in a medical–related field again. That was the lesson they needed to leam.

“Understood, Mr. Howard”

Quinton accepted the order.

Balfour put down his coffee cup, preparing to leave this time–wasting room.

He got to the door, his hand about to touch the doorknob, when he suddenly stopped, as if he remembered something.

Balfour turned around abruptly, glaring at the two female nurses, “You just said you lost a bet?”

The nurse who lost the bet admitted, “Mr. Howard, it’s me; I lost.”

Balfour asked, “What was the bet?”

The nurse explained clearly. “She bet that you and Ms. Mendoza were siblings, and I bet that you two were a couple. However, the DNA test proved you and Ms Mendoza are indeed siblings, so I lost the bet

Mr. Howard, I mistakenly thought you were some irresponsible man, but you’re actually a loving brother. I’m really sorry for misunderstanding you!”

As the nurse was explaining, she didn’t notice the change in Balfour’s expression; his eyes were bloodshot, as if they were about to burst.

Balfour quickly walked over and grabbed the nurse’s clothes, “Say that again! The DNA test showed what relationship between me and Ellinor?*

The young nurse was taken aback and completely dumbfounded. She didn’t know what she said wrong. “The DNA test proved you and Ms. Mendoza are siblings…“– Balfour, with a grim face, asked in a low voice. “Where is the DNA test report?


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