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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 643

Chapter 643

Ellinor nodded, “Yeah”

Byran stared at her, his feelings a mixed bag despite getting the agreement he needed

Ellinor, not wanting to talk about Theo anymore, casually changed the subject. “Oh, by the way, I bumped into Balfour in K city today

Byran’s pupils constricted immediately, and his water glass slipped from his hand.

Luckily. Ellinor was quick on the draw and caught the glass, saving the hospital sheets from getting drenched.

Byran swallowed hard, cautiously asking. “Did you tell him I’m in K city?”

“Not yet.”

Ellinor put the glass on the side table, “I was about to ask if you wanted me to give your bro a heads up. He can pick you up from the hospital and take you home for some


Byran heaved a sigh of relief upon realizing Ellinor hadn’t spilled the beans about his K city escapade, then shook his head, indicating his stand, “No way! Don’t you dare tell my brother I’ll head home first thing in the morning!”

Before Ellinor could respond, the door to the hospital room swung open

Balfour strode in, exuding an air of elegance, “Did you really think I wouldn’t find out about your sneaky K city trip even if she didn’t tell me?”

Byran froze as he noticed the newcomer, and a chill ran down his spine.

He stammered, “Bro how did you…?”

Before Balfour could answer, Byran shot Ellinor a reproachful look.

Ellinor, equally surprised by Balfour’s appearance, shrugged and threw up her hands, “I swear I didn’t tell him!”

Balfour glanced at Ellinor, then slowly approached Byran’s bed, “With your survival skills, you thought you could bail on school? It hasn’t even been a day and you’re already in the hospital?”

Byran defended himself, “Bro. I didn’t bail. I just wanted to have some fun in K city for a day. I’ll head home on my own tomorrow.”

Balfour sneered, “How did you end up battered and bruised if you just wanted to have fun?”

Feeling wronged, Byran explained, “It was an accident. I was trying to save a woman, and in my haste, I bumped my head. She was ill, so

Balfour, running out of patience, cut him off, “How can someone who can’t take care of himself have the bandwidth to worry about others? If you want to help others, first you need to be capable! Are you trying to play the good Samaritan? You’re biting off more than you can chew!”

Byran hung his head in dejection, not daring to utter another word.

He thought doing a good deed might earn him some points from Balfour, or maybe even a bit of praise.

But all he got was a scolding.

The tears he’d been holding back trickled down his cheeks.

He hung his head low, he didn’t want anyone to see him crying. It was too embarrassing, but he couldn’t help himself.

Ellinor, sitting by the side, saw Byran’s tears wetting the sheets, causing her to squint and furrow her brows.

She pondered for a moment before speaking up, “Excuse me, Mr. Howard, may I say something?”

Chapter 644


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