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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 598

Chapter 598

Haillie strutted down to the audience area, gave the crowd a quick scan, and then picked a seat right behind oil Mr and Mrs. Bagley in the front row The Bagleys were Balfour’s grandparents, and if Haillie could get on their good side, it would definitely be a plus for her and Balfour’s budding romance Polite as ever, Haillie greeted the Bagleys before taking her seat. Then she craned her neck towards the stage where Ellinor was about to perform

The real show was about to kick off!

Ellinor stepped onto the stage with confidence; her movements were precise, and then she started to sing

Her voice didn’t crack, she didn’t go off key, and she didn’t mess up the lyrics.

Her voice was like music to the ears.

The audience couldn’t help but shut their mouths, their attention fully drawn to the stage.

Haillie was gobsmacked, the look of anticipation previously on her face had vanished

She even started to question whether she was hearing things. How could Ellinor be singing so professionally?

After carefully listening again to confirm she wasn’t hallucinating, she realized Ellinor was indeed singing beautifully.

No freaking way!

How could that country bumpkin, Ellinor, be belting out such a beautiful tune?

The surrounding VIPS, mostly middle–aged and seniors, were already cheering for the performance on stage, their faces full of admiration.

Haillie still couldn’t believe that the person on stage was Ellinor.

This couldn’t be, something must be off.

She stood up in disbelief, staring wide–eyed at the person singing on stage, her face full of incredulity

Yes, it was indeed Ellinor! It was really her.

Ellinor could actually sing so beautifully

Didn’t she say that she couldn’t sing?

Right then, someone in the audience chuckled and asked old Mr. Bagley

“Who’s that on stage? She’s killing it! Where’d you find her?”

Old Mr. Bagley was also stunned by the performance, so much so that he didn’t even hear his friend’s question

The performer on stage was truly impressive, her voice, movements, and positioning were breathtaking.

And she bore a striking resemblance to their long–lost daughter, Marlinie.

The performer was singing Marlinie’s favorite piece

Now, the performer’s movements, expressions, and singing style all reminded people of Marlinie’s performances on stage.

Marlinie’s father watched the performer, feeling like he was watching his daughter, Marlinie’s mother felt the same.

Marlinie’s mother, teary–eyed, stared at the performer on stage and choked out, “That’s Marlinie.

Seeing his wife’s reaction, Marlinie’s father felt a pang of sorrow. He gently put his hand on her shaking shoulder and comforted her in a soft voice, ‘Darling, keep it down, let’s let our daughter finish her song”

Chapter 599


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