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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 432

Chapter 432

Watching the tall and handsome man, Ellinor’s heart was pounding

The moment, when the one she most wanted to see suddenly appeared right in front of her was truly bizarre

She cracked a smile and trotted towards the man, pondering how to break the news of her tecent medical examination to him

Chase wanted to go with Ellinor but was pulled back by Ida. “Why would you want to be a third wheel at this time?”

Chase shrugged and grunted, “I was just wormed that Ellinor might trip in her hurry!”

Ida adjusted her golden–rimmed glasses, “Relax, Ellinor isn’t that clumsy”

Chase crossed his arms, waiting with interest to see how Mr. Blanchet would react after finding out Ellinor was pregnant.

As she got closer, Ellinor began to speak, “Theo…”

Before she could finish, a toddler who had just learned to walk stumbled out of the pediatric clinic, affectionately hugged Theo’s leg, and mumbled. “Daddy…

Ellinor froze, and her smile faded instantly.

Daddy? She didn’t mishear, the child just called Theo Daddy?!

The man bent over, picked up the little boy, and asked softly. “Where’s your mommy?”

Ellinor had just been questioning whether she had mistaken him for someone else, but the moment she heard his voice, she knew it was Theo without a doubt.

Theo had a son?

Just then, Patricia walked out of the pediatric clinic. She came over to the man and said softly, “Theo, the doctor said the baby’s condition is not serious; he just caught a cold, which led to fever. Just keep him warm and give him some medicine, he will be fine. I’ll go get the medicine now and you keep an eye on him here.”

“Okay, go ahead,” the man responded indifferently

Then, Patricia took the prescription and headed towards the pediatric pharmacy.

Ellinor stood there, silently watching everything. The man was skilled and natural in handling the child, and he was not like a new father at all!

This unforeseen situation caused Chase and Ida to exchange worried glances, and they both stepped forward to check on Ellinor.

Ellinor’s expression was calm, revealing no obvious emotions; she remained quiet and composed.

Chase was somewhat indignant, “Ellinor! Theo actually has a child behind your back! Wasn’t he single before you?”

Ida snorted sarcastically, “Being single doesn’t stop you men from fooling around!”

Chase frowned in disagreement, “When you’re criticizing men, don’t include me, okay?”

ida ignored Chase, looking worriedly at Ellinor, fearing that she, who just found out she was pregnant, couldn’t handle this blow.

Ellinor’s face remained expressionless, neither anxious nor irritated, she simply pulled out her phone and dialed Theo’s number.

Sometimes, what the eyes see may not be what it seemed, she needed to get confirmation from Theo before making any decisions.

Ellinor’s call connected

The man, holding the child in one hand and the phone in the other, answered the call in a deep, magnetic voice, “What’s up?”

Ellinor watched the man’s every move from a distance and said, “Theo.”

“Hmm? Miss me?”

“Yes” She admitted

The man was slightly taken aback, surprised that she would admit to missing him so readily


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