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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 400

Chapter 400

Ellinor didn’t exactly get along with Patricia, and she really couldn’t care less about what she had to say.

But it seemed like Patricia was itching to spill some beans.

Might as well hear her out. It was better than her scheming behind her back.

Drawing her arm back, Ellinor dusted off her sleeve, nodded at Patricia, and said, “Alright, let’s shoot the breeze then.”

Patricia froze for a second, thrown off by Ellinor’s clear rejection of her touch. She put on an innocent and pitiful face, as if she had no clue what she had

done wrong.

They settled down in a little gazebo in the villa courtyard, and Patricia broke the silence first, “Ellinor, I’ve noticed that Theo is really into you. He treats you well, doesn’t he?”

Before coming over, Ellinor, fearing a dull conversation, brought along a couple of skewers of barbecued meat. While munching on it, she nonchalantly replied, “Oh, really?”

Patricia mustered up a wry smile, Yeah. Theo is so good to you, you must be on cloud nine, huh?”

After some thought, Ellinor answered bluntly. “It’s alright.”

Patricia forced another bitter smile and sighed, “It was the same when Theo and I were together. Every day felt like a dream. But alas, men are fickle. Once a new flame comes along, they forget the old one…”

Ellinor, busy enjoying her barbecue, paused and turned to look at Patricia with her brow furrowed, “When were you two together?”

Patricia quickly covered her mouth, feigning shock as if she just realized she had spilled a secret. “Oh my, didn’t Theo tell you? Ellinor, I’m sorry; 1 shouldn’t have said that. Just forget I said anything; don’t let it bother you, okay?”

Ellinor smiled and nodded, “Sure.”

Then she went back to her barbecue, not saying another word.

This left Patricia surprised. She didn’t expect Ellinor to brush it off so easily, as if she couldn’t care less.

A normal girl would be curious upon hearing about her boyfriend’s ex, right?

“Ellinor, aren’t you curious about what happened when Theo and I were together?”

“Curious!” Ellinor responded naturally, still as straightforward and nonchalant as ever, “But if I’m curious, I’ll ask him myself. There’s no need for you to go out of your way to tell me!”

Patricia was taken aback. She then looked at Ellinor with a somewhat sympathetic gaze, “Ellinor, are you really so naive? Don’t you think that if Theo hasn’t told you about us after all this time, he won’t tell you the truth if you ask him now?”

“He will.” Ellinor answered without hesitation, with not a hint of doubt on her face.

Patricia was stunned and puzzled by Ellinor’s unwavering trust in Theo.

“Ellinor, it seems you don’t really get how guys are. Most guys are always chasing after the next big thing; they won’t admit to having had good times with their exes”

Ellinor raised an eyebrow in disdain, “Miss Patricia, you’re saying your beloved Mr. Blanchet is as fickle as some lowlife? Then why are you still head over heels for him?”

Ellinor’s words left Patricia speechless. She quickly tried to clear things up, “Ellinor, since you’re being honest, I’ll be too. I don’t just like Theo; I love him! No matter what kind of person he is, I will always love him! And honestly, most men are like this. Do you really believe there are men who are always faithful?”

Ellinor squinted, ‘Ms. Howard, by saying that, you’re not only doubting Mr. Blanchet but also your father and brothers. Aren’t they men too? Are you saying they are all fickle as well?”

Patricia was prepared for Ellinor’s rebuttal this time. She sighed in resignation, “I’m not doubting them; I’ve just seen too many fickle men. Including my father and brothers, none of them are ever constant. My father had an ex–wife, and even my self–respecting brother switches women every now and then. Ellinor, you need to face the reality that most men are like this. Once the novelty wears off, they lose interest, no matter how beautiful or accomplished the womanis.”

Ellinor finally got it, “So you’re saying, if Mr. Blanchet loses interest in me, he will ditch me, and I should be prepared for that, or maybe even leave him first to cut my losses?


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