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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2739

Chapter 2739

Nolan’s number had been the desire of many, but when it finally landed in Regina’s hand, it felt as heavy as a sack of gold coins.

Regina hesitated, her voice caught in her throat.

Nolan picked up his phone and, seeing the unknown number, asked, “Spam call?”

His tone suggested he was on the brink of hanging up.

Panic surged through Regina, and she blurted out, “Don’t hang up! It’s me!”

Recognition dawned on Nolan, and his lips curled into an intrigued smile as he leaned

back in his office chair. “Ah, Regina, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

Nolan’s voice, poured through the phone, seemed to set Regina’s cheeks ablaze.

“I-I wanted to ask you something. I hope it’s not too forward.”

“If you think it’s forward, then maybe you shouldn’t ask, right? Simple.”

Regina’s heart raced with urgency, fearing he might just end the call, but Nolan didn’t hang up. He seemed to be enjoying this little game of cat and mouse.

“But it’s something I need to ask.”

Now even Nolan’s curiosity was piqued. They had only crossed paths a few times-what could be so pressing that Regina needed to ask him?

“Go on,” he said, his interest evident.

Taking a deep breath, Regina cradled the phone in both hands and dove in. “Are you aware of an incident in the commercial district that the Harris Group is planning to develop? There’s this weathered homeless man wandering around the area claiming the Harris Group ruined his life, left him nothing but broken dreams.”

Regina held her breath, waiting.

On the other end, Nolan’s faint breathing was the only sound until a soft chuckle broke th silence a full minute later. “So, you’re bringing this to me, Regina, because you think there’s a connection between the Harris Group and this man?”

Regina’s brows knotted as she said, “Of course, there’s a connection! He once had a home on the land you’re about to develop.”

“Ms. Tanner, you said it yourself’once had.’ So why doesn’t he have it anymore? Because he accepted the offer from the developers and moved out. What are you getting at with this? Are you expecting me to solve the man’s housing problem, or do you think I’m the reason he’s homeless?”

Regina instinctively wanted to deny it, but the reason she called Nolan was to get an answer, to confirm whether or not he played a part in this man’s misfortune.

“Doesn’t the Harris Group have a part in it? If it weren’t for your development plans, how could he have lost his home?”

Regina muttered, fully aware of her own melodrama.

Nolan’s voice came through, distant and detached, “Regina, you’re quite the idealist, aren’t you? Mr. Tanner has obviously sheltered you well. But let’s get the facts straight, shall we? The land was there first, then came the house, and the man’s shelter existed. Because he chose to give up his original home, that land ended up in the developer’s hands, and I won the bid fair and square.”


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