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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2663

Chapter 2663

“Easy on the pedal, take your time.” she slurred slightly, a warm smile spreading across. her flushed face. “Even if everyone else bails, I’ll stay there and wait for you.”

Just a couple of drinks into the evening – a toast with the director, all because of the adrenaline rushing from Ivy’s successful roadshow – and already she was trying to put a cap on her intake. She had overestimated her tolerance, and those mere two drinks were hitting her hard. Her cheeks burned a bright crimson, her eyes shimmered with a tipsy sheen, and she couldn’t tolerate even a tiny sip,

Evadne, quick to spot her plight, swapped out her wine for a soda and instructed the kitchen to whip up a bowl of soup to suppress the alcohol.

Colton, too, leaned in with a concerned furrow between his brows. “You okay there?”

He was, of course, worried about Balfour’s reaction rather than her well-being.

“I’m just hoping she won’t have a nasty headache tomorrow,” Evadne lamented, “That would really throw a wrench in things.”

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Colton slapped his forehead with self-reproach. “I told this girl not to have that drink. She just had to show off, didn’t she? Now, look where it’s gotten her all queasy.”

Ivy, clutching her heated cheeks, retorted with feigned annoyance, “Please don’t pin this on me showing off. Can’t I handle a couple of drinks?”

“Can you? If you can, Balfour wouldn’t have asked us to keep an eye on you. That’s all because you can’t!”

But her defiance only grew, “What are you talking about? You’re just afraid of Balfour, but I am not! I’ll say it to his face – I can hold my liquor.”

No sooner had the words left her mouth than the room fell into an eerie silence. Colton was barely containing his chuckles as he gestured toward someone behind her.

Sensing the shift, Ivy turned just as a familiar voice sounded from above her, “Oh, really? You think you handle your drinks?” Balfour’s presence loomed, his tone playful yet tinged with mock sternness.

Ivy’s heart skipped. “I, uh…”

“I distinctly recall that someone had promised me they wouldn’t overindulge before heading out tonight. So how did we end up here with a drunkard?”

Balfour leaned in, inspecting her for any overpowering scent of alcohol. Thankfully she hadn’t overdone it, and it seemed she had heeded his advice after all.

Her cheeks, however, told a different story – flushed and betraying her inebriation.

Balfour couldn’t resist the urge to tease her a little more.

Ivy was aware that she was actually drunk, so she became nervous under Balfour’s inspection. Her fists clenched as she stuttered, “Who’s calling me a drunkard? I’m not drunk. I’m perfectly sober. Just two drinks, that’s all. Ask Evadne. And the director. They’ll vouch for me.”

Balfour’s gaze swept over to Evadne and the director, who was already shaking his head, “Don’t drag me into your lover’s quarrel! I tried to stop Ivy from drinking more. I’m not the kind of director who’d pressure my crew to drink. I care about my them!”

“Good heavens, Mr. Colton, where’s that commanding presence from the set? How can you cower before Balfour’s might? I thought better of you.” Ivy teased, though her words slurred together, and the room erupted in laughter.

Evadne chuckled, “You better take Ivy home, Balfour. Who knows what else she’ll spill if she stays.”

Balfour nodded and said, “Thanks for tonight, everyone. I’ve got the tab.”

He helped Ivy to her feet, ready to whisk her away from the party and into the quiet of the night.


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