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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2600

Chapter 2600

As for Victoria, she stuck to Balfour like glue. Her being in this mess was on her.

Otherwise, those thugs wouldn’t have bothered with her. What use could she possibly be?

Alyssa and Dean rushed to the school in no time.

Despite the silver streaks in their hair, their presence alone commanded respect. Just standing at the entrance, the air seemed to thicken with their authority.

Even Mara caught herself avoiding their gaze.

Elton, upon seeing them, perked up like a meerkat and trailed behind them like a loyal pup. They were like detectives piecing together a crime scene, and he just hovered awkwardly at the sidelines.

It wasn’t long before Alyssa noticed him. “This must be the other parent involved,” she said.

One of the teachers quickly made the introductions, and Dean gave Elton a reassuring pat -on the shoulder. “Don’t you worry, sir. We’ll move heaven and earth to get both kids back safe and sound.”

It was clear as day that the kidnappers were after Balfour, with poor Victoria caught in the crossfire.

Elton’s eyes brimmed with tears as he nodded fervently. “Please, just bring my daughter back. She’s still got her whole life ahead of her

Soon enough, Balfour’s grandparents were off, working their contacts like seasoned spies.

Sure as the sun, the kidnapper’s call came through.

Their demands weren’t outrageous, but it was just that they hadn’t heard the two children’s voices until now, so why should they do what the kidnappers had asked for?.

Alyssa’s voice was a fortress of resolve.

“Put my grandson on the phone. I need to know they’re both unharmed. Then, you’ll have your ransom.”

“Ma’am, you think I’m stupid? You’re just waiting to pass some message to Balfour, aren’t you? This measly couple million is chump change for you. Drop the cash at the spot I say, get a taste of good faith, okay? But if you try anything funny and call the police, then don’t blame me for what happens next.”

A low chuckle came from Alyssa. “A couple million is indeed a drop in the bucket for us. But I’m a businesswoman. I don’t make deals without guarantees. If you’re worried, then stay on the line while I confirm my grandson is safe.”

She even managed to sound as if she was haggling at a yard sale. The kidnapper on the other end seemed about to blow a gasket but got stopped by their boss.

“Alright, alright. You want to talk? Here.”

Balfour’s voice cut through the tension. Alyssa’s demeanor shifted to that of a concerned granny. She straightened up, her voice laced with urgency. “Balfour, are you alright?”

Balfour’s voice was as collected as ever. “I’m fine, Grandma. It’s just Victoria, she’s a bit shaken. Just pay them, okay? Money can be made again.”

The kidnappers hadn’t expected Balfour to be so cooperative, saving them a bunch of hassle. To the wealthy, dropping a couple million might be as mundane as someone else spending a couple hundred.

“Don’t worry, dear. I’ll make sure everything is delivered on time. You and that girl look out for each other, got it?”

Elton was wound as tight as a drum, desperate to hear his daughter’s voice. But the whole thing was being led by the Howards, leaving him without a sliver of space to chime in, let alone hear Victoria’s voice.

When Balfour mentioned Victoria being a bit nervous, Elton could only imagine her frail and terrified state, and the thought alone was enough to tear open the floodgates of his anguish.

If only he were more capable, more influential, he wouldn’t feel so utterly powerless now.


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