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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2552

Chapter 2552

“Ivy said she’d stick around until I got here and go back after. Where is she now?” Balfour asked.

Mara’s brows were knit tightly, her words laced with frustration over Ivy’s absence.

“I’m as clueless as you are. When I arrived, Ivy seemed restless, fumbling even while trying to give Alyssa a gentle back rub. Without you here, there wasn’t much for us to talk about, so after I dropped off the fruit basket, I was about to head out.

But then, out of the blue, she tells me to wait here, claiming she needed to use the restroom. It’s been ages, and she’s still nowhere to be seen. Balfour, I’m not one to stir up trouble, but if Ivy’s too busy, maybe it’s best she doesn’t look after Alyssa. Hiring a professional caregiver would do just fine.

Why force her to stay if her heart isn’t in it? In the end, if Alyssa’s care suffers, it’s a lose-lose situation.”

Balfour really couldn’t fathom Ivy’s absence, but he knew she wasn’t the type to neglect Alyssa.

“Ivy would never treat Grandma like that. She’s been Grandma’s little darling since forever. When Grandma got sick, Ivy took it harder than anyone. She insisted on caring for her alone until I could wrap things up at the office and come to relieve her. She’s been pouring her heart into it.”

Mara’s expression remained troubled. “Alright, since you’re defending her, I guess there’s little more I can say as an outsider. Maybe I got it wrong. Just think it over, okay? Both of you are swamped with work, and with Alyssa still unconscious, not only does she need attention, but you also need to watch your own health. You’ve got to stay strong for the long haul ahead!”

Her words made sense, and Balfour didn’t argue.

But Ivy wouldn’t just disappear without a word, even if she were asleep. Where on earth could she be?

Having achieved her goal, Mara said she was ready to leave.

However, Balfour grabbed her arm. “Did Ivy mention going anywhere before she disappeared? It’s not like her to be gone this long without dropping me a line.”

Mara flashed him a reassuring smile. “Balfour, we’ve been friends for so long. I know you’re worried about Ivy. Truth is, she only mentioned needing to use the restroom, and then she never came back. I’ve been here the whole time and haven’t seen her return. If you’re that concerned, maybe ask the hospital to check the security footage to see if she went somewhere else after leaving the restroom.”

Left with no choice, Balfour said, “Then I won’t keep you. Go get some rest; you’ve been here all afternoon.”


Mara picked up her bag, her departing figure seemingly light and carefree, while Balfour’s face darkened the moment she turned away.

“Get me the surveillance footage from the fifth floor today and make it quick.”

Before Mara’s words, Balfour had never considered that something might have happened to Ivy. But now, he was certain there was trouble. Why else would Mara suggest checking the cameras before he even mentioned trying to call Ivy? Something was off.

He dialed Ivy’s number, only to be greeted by the incessant beep of an unanswered call. Just that morning, they were hand in hand, planning their future; now, barely half a day later, she was nowhere to be found.

What had gone wrong?

“Mr. Howard, this is where we last saw her on camera. She did indeed go into the restroom, and we haven’t seen her come out since.”


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