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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2513

Chapter 2513

The hostess of today’s party, Alyssa, couldn’t afford to disappear from her own party for too long, especially since Dean, was still downstairs by himself.

“Granny, Granny-” Ivy leaned in and called out a few times. Alyssa hadn’t woken yet, and it wouldn’t do to let her keep sleeping on the couch-it was a surefire way to catch a chill.

“Hmm?” Alyssa finally opened her eyes, looking a bit disoriented as she took in her surroundings.

“Oh dear, I must be getting on in years to have nodded off like this.”

Ivy chuckled as she helped Alyssa sit up, while Balfour handed her a glass of water at just the right temperature.

“Alyssa, you’re just working too hard. From now on, let Balfour and me handle these things for you,” Ivy said with a smile that reassured Alyssa.

After Alyssa had freshened up, Ivy touched up her makeup, and the three finally made their way back to the party.

“Where did our birthday girl wander off to? Left us all here without a trace of you,” joked Magnolia, Alyssa’s friend of many years.

“It’s nothing but the years catching up with me. Just a couple of glasses of wine and I was out like a light on the sofa. If Ivy hadn’t woken me, I’d probably still be sleeping,” Alyssa said with a laugh.

“Ivy, dear, this is Magnolia. Go on, say hello,” Alyssa urged.

It was Ivy’s first encounter with Magnolia, so she greeted Magnolia with extra politeness, which made Magnolia’s eyes crinkle with joy.

“No wonder you’re so fond of this girl; she’s so sweet. I like her a lot too. Ivy, if Balfour ever gives you trouble, you come straight to me, and I’ll set you up with a fine young man.” Ivy cast a help-seeking glance back at Balfour, who chuckled, “Magnolia always enjoys her jokes.”

Alyssa playfully swatted her friend’s hand, saying, “Don’t you go getting ideas about my granddaughter-in-law. If you’re so fond of her, go find one of your own! I’m not letting this gem go.

“Psh, just you wait-I’ll find an even better catch to show you,” Magnolia retorted. The two seniors were quick to start their playful banter, but within moments they were arm in arm, chatting away like the closest of companions.

Ivy had rarely seen Alyssa so lively.

Seeing the two old friends so engrossed in conversation, Balfour took Ivy’s hand and led her to another part of the party, picking up two glasses of wine along the way.

“I hardly ever see Granny this happy. Has Magnolia been a family friend for many years?” Ivy asked, sipping her wine.

Balfour nodded, taking a sip from his own glass. “Ever since I was little, Magnolia would sometimes come over to keep Alyssa company.”

Ivy’s eyes widened, “So is Magnolia like Alyssa’s bestie? To maintain such a friendship over so many years is truly remarkable.”

Balfour agreed, “Magnolia moved away to be with her family, making visits less convenient. But every year, they spend a month at each other’s homes, keeping their bond strong over the decades.”

“It’s amazing to keep such a friendship for so many years,” Ivy mused, taking another sip of wine in her glass.

The wine was gentle, with a subtle aroma that hinted it wasn’t very strong.

Tempted, Ivy took a generous gulp. “Mmm, this is really good.”

A faint smile played on Balfour’s lips. “If you like it, we can have it at home any day you want.”


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