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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2511

Chapter 2511

Balfour had pulled out all the stops for Alyssa’s birthday party, really hoping to add a splash of joy to the old couple’s lives.

The truth was, at their age, their days were mostly spent within the walls of their home, their circle of friends ever-dwindling.

As they often remarked with a hint of sadness, every encounter with a friend might be the last.

Balfour didn’t want them to feel trapped by their years; he aimed to fill the old family manor with laughter and life, to stir up some excitement for them.

Frankly, he couldn’t care less about the opinions of most guests at the party.

But to keep his grandparents beaming with pride, he played the role of the doting grandson, quietly following in their footsteps.

He knew precisely what kind of talk warmed Dean and Alyssa’s hearts, especially when others praised him-such compliments were like rays of sunshine on their faces.

Ivy had been upstairs with Alyssa for a while, and Balfour, feeling a tad anxious, glanced in that direction.

It was then that Mara, trailed by Olivia, gracefully approached, the hem of her dress swaying with each step.

Dean’s smile faded a notch upon seeing Mara; he hadn’t expected her to still be around, especially after discussing with Balfour the need to send her away. Now that Balfour and Ivy had moved out, at least she wasn’t a constant presence.

Alyssa was more tolerant than before, but knowing her temperament, had she been aware of Mara’s past misdeeds, she wouldn’t have allowed her to stick around.

Today, though, Mara was tactful, simply offering Dean a glass of wine with poise.

“Dean, I was foolish before and made some mistakes. I understand my place now, and I know what I ought to do. If you see Alyssa, could you tell her that I’d like to sincerely apologize to her as well?”

Dean offered a faint smile. “Your intentions are good enough. She’s a bit tired and resting upstairs. You young folks shouldn’t worry about us-go mingle and enjoy yourselves.”

He was well aware that Alyssa would be delighted right now with Ivy by her side, but if Mara were to show up, her smile might not hold.

Upon hearing this, Mara’s smile wavered slightly, but she managed to save face, excusing herself before taking Olivia away

It was only after they turned around that Olivia complained, “Why did you drag me here? I was having a good time chatting up those fine young men.”

Mara shot her a look. “Is there anything other than guys in your head? At such a grand affair, do you only think about making acquaintances? Don’t say I didn’t warn you-with so many influential people here, just casually connecting with someone could pave golden roads for your future.”

Olivia rolled her eyes. “We’re on different paths. You say my mind’s full of guys, but aren’t you the same? We all know why you’re here today.”

Besides, who were they to judge who was more noble?

Mara was still cozying up to Balfour’s family, wasn’t she? She should remember how, when she went to greet Dean, Balfour hadn’t spared her a single glance. He was clearly preoccupied with Ivy, who had just gone upstairs.

Mara clenched her teeth, her smile impossible to maintain any longer.


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