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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2396

Chapter 2396

But if Balfour truly cared for Ivy, he shouldn’t keep breaking her heart. Why couldn’t he grasp such a simple concept?

“I trust you both, of course, but we need proof.

Alyssa sighed once more, “We always knew you were as stubborn as a mule. Do you remember that day when it wasn’t Althea who brought your milk up, but Mara? She slipped a sleeping pill into your milk. When have you ever fallen asleep on the study couch otherwise?”

The weight of Alyssa’s words was palpable.

Balfour was silent; he understood.

Ever since Ivy left, he had been reluctant to be alone in their bedroom.

But when it was time to sleep, he made sure to return; Ivy’s scent still lingered on the bed.

“I get it. I’ll look into this matter and resolve it,” he clenched his fists. Balfour knew that Mara might harbor feelings for him. But even if there had been a chance between them in the past, that was all over now. His feelings for Mara were more about a sense of responsibility and an inability to let go.

“What are you planning to do about it?” Alyssa was relentless. This time, Mara could not stay in their home any longer. The longer she stayed, the more trouble she would bring.

“… I will convince her to return to her country. She hasn’t finished her studies there, and she can continue her education. Everything else will be as before, I’ll fly over to check on her a few times a year.”

“What if she doesn’t want to go back? What if she cries and begs you?”

It wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility. Alyssa’s gaze bore into her grandson, she needed to force him to make a firm decision

“Balfour, I need to tell you, you’ve already done more than enough for Mara over the years. It was commendable that her sister saved you and you can ensure she’s well cared for for life, but you can’t let her interfere with your marriage. Haven’t you been funding her education and living expenses abroad? if she has chosen money, she should not expect your affection. You can maintain a distance, be friends like old times, but I won’t allow

anything deeper than that You’re a marned man, it’s not appropriate to be close to another woman fin giving you a few days to sort this out After you send her back, make things night with by. I we said my piece, do you understand?

Balfour nodded Alysis was known for her decisiveness, & force of nature when died. He knew this was his grandmother’s uneven, se could no longer tolerate Mara’s presence

Chapter 2396

“As for today’s news about Ivy, you don’t need to get involved. I will take care of it.”

Ivy looked at Alyssa in surprise. “Grandma, this started because of me, and I will handle it. I’ve already caused too much trouble for this family, and I don’t want to-”

That’s why she hesitated to come back today; she feared Alyssa would say just that. She felt as if she hadn’t contributed anything to the family yet always needed them to clean up her messes. She had become a burden.

But Alyssa cut her off, “Silly child, what are you talking about? We’re all family here. Don’t worry about causing trouble. I told you I would support your acting career. Just focus on your work.”

Chapter 2397

“You’re not aware of the chaos in this industry, the sheer number of shady dealings that go on behind the scenes. I have seen it all, and I know how to handle things with utmost efficiency. Why don’t you just leave this matter to me, okay?” said Alyssa.

Ivy’s eyes brimmed with tears.

She had never known such warmth and support, but Dean and Alyssa offered it to her unconditionally.

Still hesitant, Ivy finally mustered up the courage to ask, “Grandma, Grandpa, don’t you suspect that I might have pushed Ms. Lewis?”

Their answer was a slap in the face to Balfour.

“Silly child! We’ve experienced more tricky situations than you have had hot dinners. When you’ve been through as much as we have, nothing much surprises you. We can tell what kind of person is behind certain actions. You’re probably still confused about the whole situation, aren’t you? It was clearly an issue between you and Mara, so how come someone overheard your argument just in time to post the bits that made you look bad online?”

Until now, Ivy hadn’t considered that someone might be framing her. But hearing Dean’s words, she too found the circumstances peculiar.

“You feel there’s something off too, right? Even though you’re new to the industry, you’ve already caught the eye of many because of your talent. I told you before, just focus on your acting, and leave the rest to us,” Alyssa said.

This was the elderly couple’s trust in her.

Moreover, thinking back on that day, every detail screamed foul play-how could it all be such a coincidence?

And the only witness was the one who smeared Ivy online.

Balfour remained silent; he didn’t want to suspect Mara with such malice. Nevertheless, he hoped Mara would clear everything up.

With Alyssa and Dean’s words, Ivy felt a sense of peace she hadn’t felt in a while, no Tonger-feeling utterly alone.

All right, Balfour, go on with what you need to do. Ivy will sleep over tonight and we’ll arrange for someone to take her to the set tomorrow morning.”

Ivy didn’t want to seem overly concerned about Mara, but she couldn’t help but be concerned about Balfour’s movements. When she heard him pick up his,car keys and leave, her heart still felt a pang.



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