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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2349

Chapter 2349

For days, Ivy had managed to avoid Balfour’s gaze. But now, his eyes were fixed on her with an intensity that made her own flicker with irritation.

“Do you not miss me at all?” B’alfour asked with a brazenness that made Ivy’s blood boil.

How dare he? Ivy thought, her anger trembling through her. After spending a cozy night. with Mara, he had the audacity to show up here, trying to play the field. Ivy finally looked up, her eyes meeting Balfour’s reflection in the mirror.

“Mr. Howard, I must say, this is a side of you I’ve never seen before. Even if our relationship is nothing but a business arrangement, I’d appreciate it if you’d show some respect. I am not some floozy you can toy with. If you insist on such behavior, I might just have to terminate our contract early!”

Balfour, furrowing his brow, couldn’t quite grasp what Ivy was getting at, but he understood enough to know she was considering ending things between them. In a flare of rage, he grabbed her chin, forcing her to face him. “What did you just say? Say that again! Have you gotten too proud, Ivy? I’ve cleared your debts, and now you’re ready to prance back to your lofty acting career? What am I to you? A fool to be played with? If I were you, I would face reality and not live my pitiful life clinging to both pride and desires.” His words were a bitter sneer, mocking her pride and her life.

Ivy, pained by his grip and his harsh words, closed her eyes tightly. She didn’t want to see this side of Balfour, and as she felt her lashes dampen, Balfour stepped back, regretting the words that had spilled out without thought at the prospect of her leaving. He didn’t understand why he’d lost control.

“I get it, Mr. Howard. You don’t have to remind me. I know what I owe you. My earnings from this upcoming film should cover a good chunk. Rest assured, as soon as the studio pays out, I’ll transfer the money to your account. You don’t have to worry about me not paying back, or clinging to you.”

Ivy’s voice was calm, but there was an underlying tension as Balfour listened, his forehead


He hadn’t come here to have this conversation, and now his pride prevented him from consoling her-especially since she was the one who’d mentioned ending their relationship.

“It’s good you understand. The important thing now is to heal your ankle. Being this skinny, you’ll hurt yourself even more. If you don’t gain some weight, I’ll just have to take you back.”

Ivy’s head snapped up in anger. Was she not even free to choose where she lived? She had no intention of returning to a place where she’d be caught in an endless cycle of


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Chapter 2349

jealousy with Mara. She refused to let her emotions be controlled by them.

“Why should you decide? I’m perfectly fine here. I’ll live wherever I want to live!”

Balfour, hearing the fury in her retort, felt his good intentions misinterpreted. He scoffed at her, “Look at you, all downtrodden, as if you’ve racked up millions in debt overnight. You can’t even take care of yourself. If you’re not capable, then it’s my responsibility to look after you. What does it matter where you stay?”




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