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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2330

Chapter 2330

Ivy gathered her thoughts and waited until the afternoon, when Colton showed up at her door with the lead actors in tow. They needed to hash out the mess the production was in and figure out a game plan.

Previously, Balfour had indicated that whatever Ivy thought best, they would follow suit.

It was crucial to make their evidence public, to show everyone they had nothing to hide.

They couldn’t afford to look guilty or be accused of fabricating fake evidence to fool the public.

Once their evidence was ready, the plan was to hand it directly to Quinton, who’d liaise with the entire production team.

The director felt a wave of relief knowing Balfour’s assistant was handling the matter. So even though the situation wasn’t resolved yet, Colton and the producer were all smiles, betraying none of the tension of the production halt.

“Colton, Robert, Ryan, long time no see.’

Ryan approached with warmth, wrapping Ivy in a bear hug, “It’s been too long, Ivy! Seeing you doing well is such a relief!”

Ryan was quite perceptive; he hadn’t approached Ivy while Balfour was around, keeping a bit of a cold distance due to the punch Balfour had dealt him.

Now, with that guy out of the picture, he finally had the chance to greet his friend properly. Ivy patted his back happily, genuinely missing her fellow cast members.

“You too, it’s great to see you again. How have you been holding up lately?”

“Well, other than not being able to act with our crew, everything’s peachy.”

“Alright, now that we’re all caught up, let’s cut the small talk. We’re all friends here. Let’s sit down and discuss how we’re going to clarify things for the production.”

Ryan looked puzzled. “Why don’t we just post the evidence on our group’s social media account so everyone can see it?”

But clearly, the others didn’t share his straightforward approach.

“Since we’ve been dragged through the mud for so long, this clarification needs to yield its proper value,” the producer said, rubbing his fingers together. He was conscious enough not to smoke in Ivy’s presence, but his gestures still betrayed his thoughts.

“What do you mean? How can we derive value from being misunderstood? I’ve been holding back my words in public because you told me to, and it’s driving me crazy! Even

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my folks at home are warning me not to be the one bullying.”

Ryan frowned, his face still showing a touch of innocence.

“Lucky we did tell you, or else with your temperament, wouldn’t you have offended everyone by now?” said the director with a poker face. He had chosen Ryan for his role, seeing how his personality matched the character’s image. If Ryan were to clarify things in his usual blunt manner, it might backfire completely. Instead of appearing justified, people might think he was throwing his weight around, not taking the situation seriously.

“It’s infuriating. To think that Diana lands in jail and we still end up misunderstood by everyone. Isn’t her imprisonment evidence enough that everything she said was a lie?”

Margot grumbled, and Ivy, who hadn’t heard Diana’s name in a while, quickly asked, “What’s her situation now?”

Margot threw up her hands. “What good can it be? The company is still on about suing her. Starlight Entertainment really drew the short straw, thinking they signed a rising star, only to end up with a disaster! The legal process is dragging, and it’s not even official yet. They say it could take months to wrap up.”



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