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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2320

Chapter 2320

After the last patient had left, the doctor turned to his colleague and vented, “We just had a real nutcase in here. Perfectly healthy but convinced she’s sick. Who curses themselves like that?”

His colleague shrugged, offering a comforting smile. “These days, who doesn’t have some sort of mental illness? Let her be. She’s got the money and isn’t hurting anyone.”

Back in the waiting room, Balfour had just picked up the medication and was about to carry Ivy to the car when she suddenly said, “Ms. Lewis is here. Do you want to go check

on her?”

Her gaze was serene, no ripples of emotion as she looked at Balfour, as though his staying or leaving didn’t matter to her.

They locked eyes for a moment before Balfour asked, “Do you want me to go see her?”

Ivy didn’t understand the implication behind his question. Since when did she get to decide his comings and goings?

“If you don’t want me to go, then I won’t,” he replied. “Alyssa has someone with her.”

“I didn’t say that,” Ivy interrupted him. “If you’re so worried about Mara, you might as well go see for yourself. Otherwise, you’ll be distracted on our way home, your mind stuck on her.”

Ivy couldn’t bear the thought of him sitting beside her with his heart lingering around another woman.

For a moment, Balfour just looked at her, then suddenly scooped her up in his arms. She gasped, instinctively wrapping her arms around his neck. Was he choosing her?

Ivy was a bit in disbelief. Balfour had always been so worried about Mara when he had flown straight to her country.

The next second, however, Balfour’s steps veered toward the examination room Mara had just entered. Ivy’s smile faded slightly. It seemed she had been too hopeful; Balfour would never really let go of Mara.

“Mr. Howard,” Mark greeted, his eyes lighting up as he held the X-ray films in his hand.

Ivy greeted back with a smile, recognizing the ever-cheerful face from the mansion.

“Did Alyssa send you to accompany Ms. Lewis for her check-up?”

He nodded, a flash of grievance crossing his face before quickly disappearing. No matter what, they were the hosts, and Ms. Lewis was a guest. It wasn’t his place to complain.

“The X-rays are done. We should be able to head back soon. Are you leaving now?”


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Chapter 2320

It was then that Balfour spoke up, “Mara, it seems like your leg isn’t too bad off. Ivy and I will head back first.”

Mara pouted, not wanting them to leave without her. The guy who had carried her over was like a typical stoic, unaffected by her words.

She wanted to know how Ivy dealt with that old bat from the Howard family, but this guy clammed up like his lips were glued shut.

“Balfour, wait for me,” Mara pleaded. “The doctor will be done with my X-rays soon. Can’t we go back together?”

Her eyes struggled to move away from Ivy in his arms, but jealousy spilled over as she saw their closeness.

Ivy remained silent, waiting for Balfour’s decision.

Just then, the doctor coughed to get their attention. “Ms. Lewis, there’s nothing wrong with you. You can head home now.”

He was not in the mood to deal with a drama queen.

Mara turned around and glared at the doctor.

Couldn’t this baldy understand a simple request?



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