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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2306

Chapter 2306

Balfour was worried that their argument would disturb Dean and Alyssa, so he decided to move the discussion to a more secluded spot under the canopy of the woods.

“There’s no reason for this squabble. I’ve been staying with Ivy in the hospital for ages, and since you’ve just returned, you’ve hardly spent any time with us. How could there possibly be any misunderstanding?” Balfour’s stance was clear, and this infuriated Mara to no end.

She couldn’t believe that after all these years together, Balfour would so blatantly take Ivy’s side over hers. Mara’s eyes brimmed with unshed tears, claiming she had overheard the kitchen staff gossiping while she was preparing dinner. She was on the verge of a full


Yet Ivy remained skeptical, knowing well that the kitchen staff, some of whom had been with the Howard family for years, were unlikely to engage in such talk.

Even Balfour found it hard to believe. Some of these servants had been in his life since

childhood, their cooking a constant as he grew up. He knew them well enough to be certain they wouldn’t badmouth anyone, especially not behind their backs. Besides, with just his grandparents at home most of the time, he wouldn’t have kept anyone on who was prone to stirring up trouble.

“Why won’t any of you believe me? I really heard them in the kitchen!” Mara sobbed, her face buried in her hands, though internally she was panicking.

She regretted targeting the loyal kitchen staff, who were practically fixtures in the Howard family. It was too late now; she was caught in her own web of deceit.

“How about this,” Ivy suggested pragmatically. “We’re not far from home. Balfour, drive us back, and we’ll confront the staff. If they did what you’re accusing them of, they can apologize to you. But if they’re innocent, Ms. Lewis, you’ll owe them an apology.”

Balfour nodded in agreement with Ivy’s plan, but Mara was far from willing to face the


The story was her fabrication, and she had expected Balfour to side with her out of compassion. Instead, he was defending the staff over her accusations.

In a sudden display of dramatics, Mara wiped her tears, let out a bitter laugh, and exclaimed, “If I’d known it would come to this, I would never have dragged my suitcase to board that lonely flight back home. Balfour, if you don’t believe me, then let’s just forget the whole thing.”

With that, she flung open the car door and fled into the depths of the woods.

Balfour and Ivy were stunned by her reaction, but Ivy quickly regained her composure and urged Balfour to chase after Mara.



“These woods are deep, and she doesn’t know her way around. We can’t have her getting lost in there. Go, now!”

As Balfour took off after Mara, Ivy called the house in a panic, asking Alyssa to send the rest of the Howard staff to help search.

When Alyssa received the call, her brow furrowed in frustration. She had never expected Mara to cause such a scene. She wished she had been firmer earlier and urged Balfour to send Mara away. Now, they were dealing with this mess right on their doorstep.

Dean noticed Alyssa’s upset expression and asked about the situation. Alyssa waved him off, “I’ll fill you in on the way. Let’s get some people to the woods to look for Mara.”

Dean was surprised.

Weren’t the young folks supposed to be out enjoying themselves?

How did they end up in the deep woods near their villa?

Their villa was designed to embrace nature, with dense groves separating each property, creating a sense of privacy and tranquility. It was the perfect setting for the elderly. couple, offering serene walks around the outer edges of the woods.

But the woodland was thick and untamed, and even those accustomed to the area never ventured too deep into its heart.



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