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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2303

Chapter 2303

Alyssa’s furrowed brow was a testament to her irritation, and it was clear that Balfour had likely never witnessed such brazen behavior from Mara before.

“Do you

think I’m worried about you meddling in their relationship? I simply don’t want their happy home to be ruined by someone with ulterior motives. Have you ever considered, Ms. Lewis, that one day I might spill the beans to Balfour?”

Mara was clearly taking advantage of her sister’s goodwill, trying to cash in on the favors she was owed.

Truth be told, the Howard family was indebted to her sister, a top-notch gal if there ever was one. But as for Mara herself – she was nothing like her sister!

The difference in their characters was like night and day.

Mara had even begun to disregard the weight of Alyssa’s words, which almost made Alyssa want to chuckle.

Wiping away her tears, Mara put on a pitiful face as if she were being unjustly persecuted. “Go ahead, tell Balfour. I don’t mind if you share our conversation with him, but remember one thing-Until Balfour tells me to leave, I’m not going anywhere, Alyssa.”

Mara was confident that even if Alyssa told Balfour everything, he would never send her packing.

After all, she really didn’t have anyone else to rely on back home; Balfour was her only real acquaintance.

She knew Balfour was a man of his word; he had promised her sister he would take good care of her, and he wouldn’t easily abandon her.

“You’re quite cunning, Ms. Lewis,” Alyssa remarked.

Mara’s eyes widened in feigned innocence. “Alyssa, what are you talking about? I just want to spend more time with you and Dean, to improve your opinion of me. It’s also a way of showing my gratitude to Balfour.”

Alyssa scoffed. “Gratitude? What right do you have to speak of gratitude? We only acknowledge Ivy as part of this family. I really can’t believe it. When it comes down to it, who do you think Balfour will choose between us?”

Mara pouted, “Why must you make things difficult for Balfour, Alyssa? If you and Dean truly can’t accept me, that’s fine, as long as I know I have a place in Balfour’s heart.”


The conversation ended abruptly, with Alyssa not anticipating how shameless Mara could be. No matter what was said, Mara refused to leave.


Chapter 2303

It seemed that gentle persuasion wouldn’t work; Alyssa would have to think of something


What Alyssa didn’t expect was that as soon as she left the conservatory, Mara went straight to Balfour, putting on a completely different face.

Balfour was surprised. He couldn’t fathom why Mara, who had been living comfortably, would suddenly suggest moving out.

Mara’s forced smile was tinged with sadness. “Balfour, I am, after all, an outsider. Staying at your place indefinitely just isn’t proper. Plus, with Ivy back, I can’t help but feel my continued presence might make her uncomfortable. If she misinterpreted our relationship, that would be a terrible mistake on my part.”

Balfour furrowed his brow and said, “She’s never said anything of the sort. Don’t jump to conclusions.”

But Mara’s smile grew more melancholic. “Balfour, I know you two are close, yet I can’t shake the feeling that some people don’t want me around. If I leave now, I can avoid misunderstandings, instead of being the subject of gossip for not knowing my place.”



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