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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2218

Chapter 2218

“Valor, can’t you see that you’re just setting yourself up to be hurt? You’re honestly telling me you don’t want to cut ties with him? I mean I just don’t get it, girl. He’s bad news, and I can’t stand by and watch you fall for his tricks. You’re going to get hurt if you keep this up!”

Aurora asked again, a pained smile on her face.

The camera captured an escalating argument between Aurora and Valor, set against the backdrop of the beach where they had grown up together. They had chosen this

spot today, a place woven with childhood memories, to have a heart-to-heart about Valor’s new boyfriend, David.

This beach had been their secret haven, their sacred space just for the two of them. But a few days ago, Aurora had learned that Valor had brought David here, and suddenly, the beach felt tainted, stripped of its significance.

“Do you even remember what this place means to us? The first time we found this spot,

for we swore we’d be best friends forever. And now, you’re willing to throw that away guy?”

Valor shook her head, her heart torn between the loyalty to her friend and the pull of new love. She could not fathom why Aurora was so angry.

She thought Aurora would be happy for her; after all, she had found someone she liked. More importantly, Valor had never wanted to leave Aurora behind to ride off into the sunset with David.

“Aurora, what are you so afraid of? Why do you keep thinking I want to leave you? That thought has never crossed my mind. You used to believe everything I said. Why don’t you believe me now? Have I changed, or have you?”

Valor remained calm, but to Aurora, this calmness felt like a dismissal of her feelings, a sign that Valor did not see the gravity of the situation-that she wanted the best of both worlds, friendship and love..

Their heated debate made them oblivious to the rising tide, and they were standing right where the waves would surely reach.

It was not until Valor looked down and saw her soaked ankles that she realized they were in trouble.

“Come on! We need to get back to shore!”

Valor tried to pull an enraged Aurora with her, but Aurora did not have any of it and yanked her hand away.

“If you care so much about that man, then why bother about whether I live or die!”

A sense of alarm surged through Valor. She never imagined her friend could be so irrational. They had grown up by the sea; they knew the dangers of the tide all too well.

The sea could be merciless, its rise and fall capable of sweeping away even the strongest


They might perish in these waters if they did not get out of there soon.

“Let’s go back!”

Valor gripped Aurora’s arm tightly, refusing to let go, but Aurora was furious, using all her strength to break free.

The result was Valor getting thrown into the sea with a splash.


Ivy could not swim, so Colton intended to use a stunt double for this scene,

But no matter how they edited it, the stunt double’s fall into the water just didn’t look as natural as when Ivy did it. Her acting simply could not be matched.

Not only could Ivy not swim, but she was also somewhat afraid of water. When submerged, her instinct was to scramble out as quickly as possible.

“Haha, using a stunt double, huh? So much for being a dedicated professional. Seems pretty overrated to me,” Diana remarked loudly as she passed by Ivy, her voice dripping with sarcasm. It was loud enough for both Ivy and her assistant to hear.


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