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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2211

Chapter 2211

[The entire crew of “Ballad of Valor” under fire for oppression? Our insider takes you behind the scenes for a different look at the drama on Colton’s set.]

Headlines like this exploded online, shooting straight to the top of the trending charts.

No one could have guessed who had leaked the on-set drama with such a sensational


At first, the crew did not take it seriously, brushing it off as just another case of paparazzi snooping. But within half an hour, countless fans mentioned Colton’s social media account, demanding an explanation..

The producer knew they had a serious problem on their hands the moment he clicked on the article.

“Son of a gun, who’s framing our crew for oppression?”

“Oppression?” That loaded word immediately captured the attention of the rest of the crew. Work came to a standstill as everyone pulled out their phones to see what had happened.

Even Diana was not surprised.

She had just finished a reshoot when her assistant whispered that the news was out. Now, she was ready to watch the drama unfold and reap the benefits.

Ivy’s expression was grave. If the earlier scuffle with Diana was just a minor friction, now the internet painted her as a villain.

The article depicted her as a diva, scheming against other actors-oppressing anyone who might outshine her, leading the crew in a campaign of harassment!

Beneath the text was a clip showing Diana on the floor with Ivy standing over her, arms folded, looking on with cold indifference.

The line between right and wrong seemed blatantly clear.

Ivy wouldn’t allow anyone to rise above her. If not for the names mentioned, Ivy would have never believed the article was about her-when had she become so powerful?

It seemed that within this crew, she was the tyrant.

The article laid bare the crew’s apathy, Ivy’s cruelty, the heartache of small-time actors like Diana, and Colton’s tacit complicity.

“I thought Colton was one of the few top-tier directors in the country, but it turns out he can’t even discern right from wrong behind the scenes. If a director can’t manage their cast, what’s the point of going on with the show?”

Colton was facing similar accusations again.

But this time, the backlash was much more severe. The netizens rallied as if they had witnessed the crew’s bullying of Diana firsthand, eager to see the alleged perpetrators brought to justice.

Ivy did not think she was in the wrong, but the footage was edited to perfection, making it look like she was the aggressor against Diana,

Having weathered a few scandals, Ivy had grown wiser. She confronted Diana with her phone in hand. “Did you orchestrate this?”

Diana looked up at Ivy, her face the picture of innocence. “Ms. Dunhill, whatever do your mean? Orchestrate? I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“If this was just a private matter, you could’ve come at me directly. But you’ve dragged the entire crew into it this time, and I won’t stand by while you freely tarnish our names.”


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