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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2197

Chapter 2197

As Ivy grasped the spoon, she stirred the chilly blend of mint and lemon, her mind a whirlwind as she searched for the right words,

“How’s the taste of that lemonade, dear? I spent quite some time perfecting it, you know.”

“Really? Let me try!” Ivy hastened to scoop up a spoonful and slipped it into her mouth. Before she even swallowed, the sweet refreshment burst onto her palate.

“It’s delicious! Nothing Grandma makes ever tastes bad!”

Dean was also earnestly sipping on his lemonade, though his portion was notably smaller-a precaution Alyssa had taken to monitor his sugar intake. So, there he was, savoring each sip with focused delight.

“Seeing you enjoy it makes all the afternoon’s work worth it. How about I pack a jug for you to take to the set later, hmm?”

Ivy’s stirring paused.

“Grandma… I might not go back to the set this afternoon. There’s been a bit of a… situation.”

“Oh?” Alyssa quickly set down her spoon, concern displaying on her brows. “Is someone at the set giving you trouble? Remember, if anyone bullies you, tell your grandpa and me!”

The warmth in Ivy’s heart swelled; a cherished favor she had never quite experienced before now fully felt in the presence of her Alyssa and Dean.

“No one’s bullying me. It’s just that I’ve had a bit of a misunderstanding with Balfour.”

It must be serious if Ivy had come home early because of a personal issue, especially if it meant leaving work halfway through the day.

Alyssa’s inquisitive gaze urged Ivy to spill the beans.

“Grandma, Grandpa, it’s like this-I had a scene with a male actor that went viral on a social media app, making everyone think we’re an item. I was about to clarify things with him today when Balfour walked in and he got the wrong idea.”

Ivy’s eyes clouded with complexity at the mention of Balfour.

Alyssa, understanding her grandson’s temper all too well, nodded.

“Silly girl, did you rush back from the set just because of this?”

Alyssa took Ivy’s hand, and Ivy looked up at her with a hint of bewilderment.

“Grandma, many people know I’m your granddaughter-in-law, and I’m afraid it might cause trouble for you and Grandpa. I’m sorry… I never wanted…”



Chapter 2147

“You, my dear, are worrying too much. Your grandpa and I might not mind gossiping much, but we do hear things. Even if we ignore them, there are always those eager to ensure we’re ‘informed’ We knew about this long before you thought to tell us.”

Alyssa patted Ivy’s hand reassuringly, signaling her to be at ease.

As Ivy had feared, some people were aware of her ties to the Howard family, and some coveted Ivy’s position, thinking they could sway the elders by whispering scandals into their ears.

But Alyssa had little regard for those who resorted to such tactics!

And as for lvy’s character, she and her husband knew her worth all too well.

“People these days think we’re senile. Even if there were something between you and that actor from the set, would you be so bold as to flaunt it in front of colleagues?

Besides, though we’ve aged, we’re not oblivious to the ways of the internet. Your

interaction with the actor-it’s just publicity, right?

Handled well, it could draw more attention to your movie, correct? It’s just a way to attract an audience. We’re well aware of that.”




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