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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2183

Chapter 2183

Nolan quickly sent an emoji with “OK,” adding: [As long as you’re alright, goodnight.]

After putting down her phone, Ivy let out a deep sigh.

The idea of starting anew with her brought up by Balfour must have been a spur-of-the-moment thing. Mara’s call probably sobered him up, which is why he didn’t mention it later.

Ivy had lost expectations and couldn’t mask her disappointment.

She forced a smile and bade the elders goodnight.

“Grandma, Grandpa, I have an early call time for my scene tomorrow, so I’m going to head up to bed. You both should get some rest too!”

Alyssa immediately set down her mug, nodding emphatically, “Yes, dear, go get some sleep. You’ve had a long day!”

Watching Ivy’s retreating figure, Alyssa sensed that Ivy’s spirits were low.

As elders, they could certainly facilitate the relationship between the two, but they couldn’t

make them fall in love.

Alyssa shook her head, knowing that the young couple’s feelings were in the hands of fate.

Dean glanced at Alyssa and knew she was fretting over the young ones again.

In his opinion, they had no reason to meddle in their relationship.

Sometimes, Alyssa couldn’t help but step in and clear up misunderstandings between them, but they couldn’t do it forever. Ultimately, it was up to them to be considerate of

each other.

Dean knew his wife had been a worrier all her life; it wasn’t likely she’d change her ways now. All he could do was gently remind her not to overburden herself with the kids’ issues. What mattered most was their own well-being.

After freshening up, Ivy lay in bed, wondering if Balfour would return to the room to sleep tonight.

“The confession in the afternoon still counted, right? Even though Mara’s call interrupted it, who confesses and then doesn’t come back to their room?”

She muttered to herself, her heart lacking certainty.

After Mara’s call, Balfour had become a different person, seemingly forgetting their earlier



Chapter 2183



Ivy drifted in and out of sleep that night but never saw Balfour return. He was holed up in the study, doing God knows what. There was a couch there for resting; he’d rather sleep there than return to their room. Did he dislike seeing her that much?

It wasn’t until the next morning, when Ivy woke up early and saw the pillow still neatly placed beside her and the bed untouched, that she accepted the fact that Balfour hadn’t returned all night.

She couldn’t decipher Balfour’s intentions. During the day, he asked her to reconsider their relationship; at night, he wouldn’t even come back to their room.

Was he regretting it, afraid of getting too entangled with her?

If he had regrets, he could have just told her directly. She wouldn’t cling to him like a bad


What did he really want now?

With a furrowed brow and the early call time casting a pallor over her face, Ivy’s mood was anything but light.

Despite her gloom, she still had to shoot her scenes.

Since Balfour no longer demanded she come home, she saw no reason not to work.

She had been worried that last night’s event might affect the atmosphere on set, but to her surprise, everything went back to normal by morning. Without Giselle, the rhythm on set felt more upbeat.

When a crew member handed her a cup of black coffee with a sycophantic smile, Ivy felt dazed. Had the previous targeting by the crew been nothing but a dream?



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