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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2182

Chapter 2182

Dean waved off the concerns with a dismissive hand, “You’re always worrying too much, fussing over this and that. There’s no need to lose any sleep over it. Let them be. The young folks have their own ways of doing things and their own choices to make. We’re getting on in years. How much longer can we fret over their lives? Better to let go sooner rather than later.

Dean seemed to see things more clearly than Alyssa.

But Alyssa had finally found a granddaughter-in-law like Ivy, who met all her expectations, and she didn’t want to lose her!

[Can’t believe how much you trusted me, thanks Nolan.]

Ivy typed the message with earnest intent and hit send.

Nolan replied: [It’s not just me. You have fans across all platforms rooting for you, digging up the tiniest bits of evidence to prove your innocence. Ivy, with so many people looking forward to your work and loving what you do, you’ve got to keep your chin up and carry on filming!]

Ivy smiled as she read Nolan’s blessing.

She was about to type a thank you when she suddenly remembered the girl who had called earlier in the day.

Maybe Nolan would know something? After all, Balfour and Nolan were cousins and had known each other since they were kids.

Nolan always seemed to be in the know, a step ahead of others. Besides, he was the only one she could turn to with her questions.

If she missed this chance, who knew when she’d get another opportunity to uncover the identity of that mysterious girl.

[Nolan, do you happen to know someone named Mara?]

A minute of silence passed before Nolan messaged back: [How did you come to hear about her? Who told you? Did Balfour mention her to you?]

Ivy didn’t want to delve into details: [Uh… Balfour mentioned her once. I got curious, that’s

all. You’re his cousin and probably know more than I do. I’d like to understand more about Balfour’s past.]

Ivy’s approach was casual, but Nolan seemed a bit hesitant.

[Do you really want to know?]



Chapter 2182

Ivy wished she could nod vigorously enough for him to see, but settled for sending an emoji instead.

[Nolan, I really want to know who this girl is. I’m just too shy to ask Balfour directly.]

“Their relationship is pretty straightforward; they’ve been friends for a long time and were there for each other during tough times,” Nolan replied, sending a voice message this time. His tone was casual, but it sent ripples through Ivy’s heart.

[Been there for each other? Did Balfour go through some tough times?]

Nolan typed: [Yes, he went through something, but I don’t know the details. Mara moved abroad with her family a while ago, and Balfour sometimes goes to visit her.]

As Ivy read Nolan’s message, her emotions were a tangled mess.

No wonder this girl was so important and special to Balfour; they had known each other since childhood.

Nolan sent another message: [Mara’s always been a special friend to Balfour. I’m sure he’ll introduce you to her at some point.]


Ivy didn’t need Nolan to tell her that; she could feel it.

[Okay, I’ve got it! Thanks for filling me in, Nolan. I’ve got an early call time tomorrow, so I’ll stop here. We’ll catch up when we’re both free.]



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