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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2177

Chapter 2177

The girl on the other end of the phone let out a noncommittal laugh in response to Ivy’s question.

“I mean, if you want to know who I am, just ask Balfour in a sec, and you’ll know! Are you two out grabbing a bite right now? Wrapped up all the drama with the film crew, have you?”

Ivy’s eyebrows knitted slightly.

The girl wasn’t just cagey about her own details; she was fishing for information.

What was more troubling was how she knew about the recent drama with the crew. This girl, oceans away, seemed to have a pretty solid line to Balfour, didn’t she?

“Sorry, miss, but I still don’t know who you are, and I can’t just go sharing our business. If you’re looking to get in the loop, why don’t you just say so? If you’re a friend of Balfour’s, I’ll spill the beans.

The girl on the other end clearly didn’t expect Ivy to come back with that. She paused, and then let out a chuckle, swiftly followed by a couple of coughs.

“Ivy, it’s funny. You don’t know me, but I sure know about you. Balfour’s been singing your praises to me.”

This girl was all mystery, making Ivy even more frustrated. “Well, if you know so much already, there’s no need to grill me, is there?”

The girl just laughed softly, “Yeah, you’re right. I’ve got stuff to do anyway. Just pass on a message to Balfour for me, will ya? Tell him I’m waiting for his call. I trust you won’t be too petty to pass that along.”

“Sure thing, I’ll let him know,” Ivy replied.

The girl ended the call without further ado, leaving Ivy clutching her phone, her emotions tangled.

Instinctively, Ivy felt that the girl on the phone wasn’t Balfour’s sister. If she were, why all the secrecy? She could’ve just said who she was.

And everything the girl had said seemed to suggest she was close to Balfour, closer than siblings, which irked Ivy – wasn’t she the one Balfour had just confessed his feelings to? Weren’t they supposed to be giving their relationship a fresh start?

Who was this mystery girl throwing a wrench in the works?

Ivy’s mind was in a whirl, and even the food before her lost its appeal. Mara?

That name… it was so familiar. Where had she seen it before?

After hanging up, Ivy had a bad feeling – a woman’s intuition.

Yet, she believed Balfour wasn’t the two-timing type. Shaking her head, she tried to stop her thoughts from running wild.

However, she couldn’t help it. Even after the call was over, Ivy was restless, sensing that this girl’s relationship with Balfour wasn’t simple.

Ivy looked towards the restroom where Balfour hadn’t returned yet. She was torn but eventually put the phone back.

If she snooped through his phone while he was away, she’d be the real loser.

Ivy also wondered what name she was saved under in his contacts.

Would it be something as intimate as Mara?

When Balfour came back, he found Ivy staring at him with an intensity that made him arch Lan eyebrow quizzically, “What’s up? Something wrong with my face?”

Ivy’s frown deepened, shaking her head, “No, nothing weird.”

“Then why that look?” he asked.

She tapped his phone, “Your phone rang, and it wouldn’t stop, so I thought it might be important and answered it. It was a girl named Mara. Sorry, I took the liberty…”

The conversation was natural, but beneath the surface, there was an undercurrent of tension – the kind that precedes a storm.



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