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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2142

Chapter 2142

“Look, no one’s trying to rail against Ivy. But with the evidence at hand, there are some doubts about her that might need clearing up.” Balfour frowned in annoyance. “How can she explain something she didn’t do?”

Colton was momentarily speechless. This couple really was cut from the same cloth.

“But the surveillance footage is as clear as day, and we’re not out to pin anything on anyone unjustly, Mr. Howard. Please understand we’re not keen on stirring up trouble for the sake of it.”

Colton sounded exasperated, as though his decision to side with the others and keep Ivy around was a reluctant compromise.

Balfour just let out a cold laugh.

“Colton, I might not know the ins and outs of showbiz, but you’re not exactly a greenhorn, are you?

I told you before, Ivy’s new to the scene. All she wants is to act her heart out. She’s still figuring out the ropes, which is why I asked you to keep an eye out for her. Is this your idea of looking after her?”

Balfour’s voice carried a smile, but Colton felt a chill run down his own spine, not daring to meet his gaze.

Balfour had only glanced at the surveillance footage briefly but was confident that the person wasn’t Ivy. Same clothes, sure, but the movements were off.

Sensing Balfour’s anger, Ivy remained silent. The feeling of being protected was utterly intoxicating to her.

“You’re telling me you can’t see through the smoke and mirrors here? This kind of drama is not new to other sets. Yet, it seems like it’s your first rodeo with such incidents. Can’t you discern the truth?”

Balfour’s barrage of words weighed so heavily on Colton that he couldn’t even lift his head, “It’s my fault. We’ve been sailing too smoothly lately. I nearly forgot how chaotic a set can be with backstabbing and framing. Ivy’s definitely been set up!”

Directors like them had to manage more than just perfect shots. They also had to handle the complex web of relationships within the crew. They weren’t just there to call action and cut.

In his crew, there were rules against doing anything detrimental to the team. Sure, friction between star actors was normal, and Colton never meddled without cause.

But anything that messed with his film was a different story. It was a matter of principle.

“Now that you’ve recognized the issue, I’ll be taking her with me.”

After dropping that line, Balfour grabbed Ivy by the wrist and walked away, not giving a second glance to anyone.

Ivy looked back at the director and then at Balfour.

Was it really okay to just leave like that?

She felt uneasy.

Wouldn’t this make her seem guiltier, running away at the first sign of trouble?

Once they were seated in the car, Ivy turned to Balfour with worry in her eyes.

“Is walking away really the best move? Won’t they think I’m guilty and just trying to escape?”

In her world, fleeing the battlefield was never an option.

She had never considered running away as a method of solving problems.

Seeing Ivy genuinely concerned, Balfour couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Did you do it?”

Ivy’s brows knitted together in indignation as she shook her head vigorously. “Of course not! I wasn’t even on set this morning, how could I have done such things?”

“So, what are you worried about? Do you really need to politely inform them you’re heading home for lunch?”

Balfour had a point. Ivy quietly settled back into her seat and buckled up.


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