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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2138

Chapter 2138

Colton remained silent, merely gesturing for someone to get Ivy on the phone and have her rush back to the set.

“Why are you even bothering to treat her with kid gloves, Colton? If you ask me, we should just haul her down to the police station and be done with it. We can’t have a murderer walking around on our set!”

The speaker was a close buddy with Giselle and had little respect for Ivy, regarding Ivy as the type of woman who climbed the ladder leaning on men.

Colton just gave her a cold glance and didn’t take her words to heart.

“Hey, why’d you even have to say that? When there’s trouble on set, we handle it in-house first. Call in the cops, and what then? Are we even going to finish this film?”

Whispered someone standing next to her. She muttered under her breath, “I’m just worried the culprit might get bolder. What if she starts putting thumbtacks in my shoes next? Who knows how crazy that woman might be.”

Ivy left the police station with a furrowed brow. Before she could even get in her car, her phone rang with a call from the set.


“Ms. Dunhill, where are you now? There’s an incident on set!”

Ivy’s already furrowed brow tightened even more.

“I just left the set a little while ago, what happened?”

She figured whatever it was, it couldn’t possibly involve her, unless Colton needed her for a reshoot.

But the person on the other end hemmed and hawed, deepening Ivy’s suspicions.

“Just spit it out, what happened?”

“Ms. Dunhill, did you go into Diana’s dressing room today?”

Ivy was puzzled as to why they were asking about Diana’s dressing room.

“No, I had some things to take care of this morning, so I left without going in there. Why are you asking about that? Did something go missing from Diana’s room?”

Ivy was still in the dark as the person on the other end hesitated. Then a male voice cut in, “Give me the phone, I’ll explain.”

“Hello, Ivy.”

“Colton? What in the world happened on set? Why are you asking if I went to Diana’s dressing room?”

Ivy was familiar enough with Colton to ask him directly, but she didn’t expect him to be vague as well, only urging her to come back quickly.

Her heart started pounding with anxiety. His tone was urgent, so the issue must be serious.

But what did it have to do with her?

She had barely made an appearance on set before leaving with Giselle. What could have possibly happened?

As soon as Ivy arrived back on set, someone called out, “Ivy’s back.”

She found it odd. Usually, the crew would address her as “Ms. Dunhill,” not out of any particular respect but simply as an industry norm.

She had only been gone for a short while, and why the sudden cold shoulder?

“Colton, I’m back. Was there an issue with yesterday’s scenes?”

That was the most pressing concern Ivy could come up with.

Colton’s face was an impassive mask as he shook his head and gestured for her to sit down.


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