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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2117

Chapter 2117

“There’s no greater an ingrate than her. Clara used to be the one taking her around, playing with her when they were kids. And now that she’s grown up, she stabs her own family in the back!”

Unlike his initial indifference to Ivy’s situation, Finn got up on hearing Clara’s name and raced to his room to change into something more presentable. He needed to get his darling daughter out of trouble.

Tessa trailed behind him, not daring to utter a single word.

Could Ivy not keep her nose clean for once? Why did she always have to stir up trouble?

Tessa frowned, her face etched with irritation. Life in this family was hard enough without Ivy repeatedly causing a ruckus.

When Ivy opened her eyes, they were nearing the police station.

“Awake? We need to give our statements,” Balfour explained calmly, brushing her hair back from her forehead.

“Okay…” Ivy’s gaze shifted away, nodding in agreement. She knew she had to cooperate with the police investigation.

“How’d you sleep? Feel any better?” Balfour whispered, helping her sit up.

There were faint lines on Ivy’s cheek from sleeping.

She had not been asleep long, but it had revived her considerably.

Especially with Balfour by her side, she had not dreamed of anything frightening.

“Yeah, I slept well,” said Ivy softly.

She always looked so vulnerable and easy to tease when she first woke up, and Balfour could not resist pinching her cheek gently. “Remember, in this situation, you’re a complete victim. There’s no need to find fault in yourself. Just tell the truth when we go in, okay?”

Ivy nodded unconsciously at Balfour.

She knew that if Clara had not been up to no good, she would not have had to suffer like this today, let alone nearly fall into an irreversible predicament.

She would not go easy on Clara anymore.

“Let’s go, I’ll go with you.”

Balfour extended a hand to Ivy.

She felt like a halo surrounded him at that moment, dispelling all the shadows before her like a deity leading her forward.

Ivy gently placed her hand in his, and he quickly enclosed it in his grasp.

Throughout the recording of Ivy’s statement, Balfour was there by her side.

Hearing what Ivy had been through, Balfour’s expression inevitably darkened.

After completing the statement, he was ready to take Ivy home to rest. But as they were about to leave the station, a commotion erupted at the entrance.

Balfour called to Quinton with a frown, “What’s the commotion at the door?”


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