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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 2098

Chapter 2098

Clara ground her teeth and slammed her hand down on the table. “I don’t need her pity! I, Clara, would rather panhandle on the streets than take Ivy’s charity!”

A sly grin crossed Giselle’s lips as she did not linger after achieving her goal, grabbing her purse and preparing to leave.

“Alright then! Clara, no matter what, I’m glad to have met you. If the chance arises, I’d love to collaborate with you.”

Once Giselle had left, Clara exploded with rage.

“Bitch! They’re all bitches!!!”

Clara could have never imagined that Ivy, who had sworn off entanglements with older men, would snag such a powerful sugar daddy!

The thought of Ivy becoming an internet sensation made Clara’s skin crawl with discomfort, a mix of jealousy and frustration gnawing at her.

Clara shot up from her seat with venom in her eyes.

“Ivy wants fame, huh? Well, let’s show the world the disgraceful side of Ivy!” She cursed inside.

She thought of someone she could use and pulled out her phone to contact a man listed as “Raven.”

[Raven, it’s Clara. I need a favor from you.]

[What’s up? Your problems are mine, too!]

Clara sent Ivy’s photo to Raven and added, [This woman. I want you to grab her for me.]

[Whoa, quite the looker!] Raven whistled upon receiving the photo. [What’s your beef with this beauty?]

Clara tapped her phone impatiently. [Can’t tell you now. Raven, are you up for this? I’ll pay a deposit now, and once it’s done, another hundred grand will be in your account. If you’re not game, I’ll find someone else.]

Raven’s voice came through confidently, “Kidnap her? There’s nothing I wouldn’t dare! Give me the time and place, and my boys will deliver a video you’ll be satisfied with.”

With Raven’s agreement, a sinister smile spread across Clara’s face.

The thought of Ivy’s defilement going viral was almost too delicious, and she could barely contain a burst of laughter.

“Ha! Ivy, everyone’s gonna see what trash you really are, and they’ll spit in your face!”

So what if Ivy was famous now? So what if she had a wealthy patron?

Once she was tarnished and soiled, would her patron still want her?

Clara imagined Ivy’s backer disgusted by her impurity, feeling utterly exhilarated. All that was left was to watch the drama unfold. Meanwhile, Ivy remained blissfully unaware.

Her day’s work was done after wrapping up her scenes for the afternoon. She said goodbye to the crew and hopped in a cab to visit a bookstore she had been longing to browse.

She was a bit of a sensation now, not swarmed by fans, but recognized on the street without causing a scene.

The director had even advised her to savor these moments of anonymity, warning that once the movie hit, her fame might make it a hassle to just walk down the street.

Ivy figured Colton was overestimating her impact. How could she become a star from just one movie? She was only focused on the new release she had been waiting for at her favorite bookstore.

While perusing the shelves, she bumped into a few fans who recognized her.

“Excuse me, are you Ivy?”

Ivy turned, her actor’s makeup gone, revealing a fresh-faced beauty that made her seem even more radiant.


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