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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 1915

Chapter 1915

Facing Alyssa’s question, Ivy felt a bit nervous. Certainly she couldn’t spill the beans that they had known each other by accidentally entering the wrong rooms and spending the night together, could she?

Balfour hadn’t prepped her for this, and she was at a loss for words, desperately trying not to let any truth slip through.

“We, uh…”

After a long pause, Ivy finally spoke up, “Well, there was once I ran into a bit of trouble, and Balfour, he helped me out. I thanked him, and… and… gradually we got to know each other.”

She deliberately kept her answer vague.

“Is that so?” Alyssa wasn’t entirely convinced by Ivy’s story. “From my understanding, my grandson isn’t exactly the knight-in-shining-armor type of person.”

Internally, Ivy couldn’t agree more with Alyssa’s assessment. Balfour struck her as the type who was cool as ice, one who’d rather keep to himself than get involved.

“Maybe it’s fate, haha.” To keep her secret, Ivy forced herself to continue the charade.

Alyssa perceived Ivy’s demure demeanor, which stood out from the flock of socialites that often fluttered around Balfour.

Of course, they’d had researched on her family, and word was that Ivy didn’t exactly have a very good reputation there. Yet, the girl in front of her didn’t seem to fit the rumors.

Feeling the scrutinizing gaze of the elders, Ivy grew uncomfortable, dreading the thought of being exposed. She stood up, seeking to change the subject, “Mr. and Mrs. Howard, it’s almost time for dinner. How about I whip up something for us to eat?”

At this, Alyssa looked surprised. “You cook?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty good in the kitchen!” Back when her parents were away, she was in charge of cooking for herself and Clara, honing her culinary skills.

Confidence was something she had in spades when it came to cooking.

Alyssa nodded, curious to taste what this young girl could do, and agreed to let Ivy take over the kitchen.

The Howard family’s fridge was stocked with fresh ingredients. Ivy marveled for a moment before selecting what she needed and quickly prepared several homestyle dishes.

“Mr. Howard, Mrs. Howard, dinner’s ready. Please come and see if it’s to your taste.”

Alyssa and Dean came over and were quite impressed by the spread of four dishes and a soup laid out on the table.

Throughout the meal, Ivy was attentive and considerate, frequently offering to serve the elderly couple.

By the end of dinner, Alyssa had warmed up considerably to the girl.

This Ms. Dunhill that Balfour had brought home wasn’t bad at all!

After they had finished eating, Ivy intended to wash the dishes, but Alyssa stopped her. “Leave these chores to the staff. You’re going to be Mrs. Howard, and you won’t need to bother with such trifles.”

Ivy nodded with embarrassment. At home, these were things she was expected to do, and she had grown accustomed to it.

“Come on, let’s walk off that meal. Ivy, why don’t you join me for a stroll in the garden?” Alyssa said warmly, inviting her by the hand. Ivy agreed and dutifully accompanied the old lady.

Walking hand in hand with the hostess of the house in the garden was still something Ivy wasn’t used to. She tried to retract her hand a few times but felt it would be inappropriate.

“Ivy, I’ll be honest with you. I’ve arranged several dates for Balfour before, but he’s turned them all down. I thought he wasn’t interested in marriage, but then he surprises us by bringing you home out of the blue!”


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