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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 1906

Chapter 1906

“Alright, I’ll give you this one. But if you don’t bring someone home with you, I swear I’ll stop taking my medicine,” she declared with a mix of jest and stubbornness.

After hanging up, Balfour picked up the two hundred-dollar bills the woman had carelessly tossed on the floor and dialed his right-hand man, Quinton, “A woman walked into my room last night. I want to see her.”

“Right away. I’ll track her down.”

Quinton was taken aback to hear about a woman entering Balfour’s private space. He had been working with Balfour for years and knew how much he despised women throwing themselves at him. He’d always managed to keep Balfour’s affairs in order, preventing any unwelcome advances.

He hadn’t expected this slip-up.

Thankfully, Balfour didn’t take it out on him.

After leaving Balfour’s place, Ivy stepped outside and answered her phone, “Mom?”

“You little hellion! Where are you?” Tessa’s voice was sharp on the other end. “Ivy, how were you raised? What kind of a lady goes off to be someone’s mistress, a homewrecker? Have you no shame? Your father, your sister, and the entire family have reputations to uphold!”

Ivy was bewildered, “Mom, what are you talking about? I’m not seeing anyone, let alone as a mistress.”

“You still deny it? Your sister spilled the beans, Ivy. I thought, despite not being as accomplished as your sister, you at least had some sense and decency. But this…this is despicable!”


Ivy never imagined her own mother would use such harsh words to describe her.

She always knew that between herself and Clara, Tessa had always favored Clara, even though Clara wasn’t her biological child. Tessa loved her stepfather, Finn, and knew he chose her because she was sensible and would take good care of Clara.

Tessa was aware that if Clara said one bad word about her to Finn, he could easily disown her, making her position as Mrs. Dunhill quite precarious.

She’d hoped to bear Finn a son to carry on the family name but ended up with Ivy, whom she saw as a disappointment. So, she neglected her own daughter and poured all her attention into Clara to secure her place in the family. If kicked out, both Tessa and Ivy would have a hard time.

Ivy had understood this from a very young age and never fought with Clara, tolerating her mistreatment as if it didn’t matter.

But she hadn’t expected her own mother to turn on her over Clara’s words.

“Mom! Clara’s talking nonsense! I’m not involved with anyone!”

Before Tessa could respond, Finn reached out for the phone. She passed it to him immediately.

“Ivy, you haven’t made anything of yourself since college, and I’ve never held that against you. But no member of our family can be involved in scandalous behavior! Get away from that man and come home. If not, don’t ever bother coming back,” Finn said sternly and hung up.

Tessa tried to appease Finn with a nervous smile, “Finn, I’m sure Ivy’s just confused. She’ll come home soon.”

Her words did nothing to soften Finn’s expression. He stood up, clearly annoyed. “You haven’t worked a day since marrying me, dedicating yourself to raising our daughters. But I can’t fathom how you’ve managed to raise yours like this! Hmph!”

“Finn, I…” Tessa’s voice trailed off, realizing she was on thin ice.


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