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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 1756

Chapter 1756

Tristan nodded, understanding the predicament that Ellinor found herself in. He could only empathize.

Ellinor desperately wished for Tristan to be by her side in times like these. However, the current situation didn’t allow for it. She couldn’t bear Tristan’s sorrowful gaze as he watched everyone else have fun.

“Alright, it’s too noisy around here to hear you clearly. Let’s talk later. Bye now!” She gingerly said to Marcus.

With that, the man’s phone screen went blank. The video call was over.

Marcus stared at the screen in disbelief. She hung up just like that? Did she ever clarify whether she was with Bartlett or not?!

At this point, Tristan tugged gently at the hem of his father’s shirt, whispering, “Dad, I think Sophia is back.”

Snapping back to reality, Marcus sat back down in his wheelchair and deleted all records of his interaction with Ellinor from his phone.

When Sophia entered the room, she only noticed Marcus looking for comfortable clothes in the wardrobe for Tristan.

She was too preoccupied with her problems to notice anything unusual about Marcus.

“Marcus, you must be hungry, right? Can I order some room service for you and Tristan? I’m too tired to cook tonight.”

Marcus just nodded. “Sure. You should rest if you’re tired. We can eat whatever.”

Sophia absentmindedly agreed. “Alright. I’ll have some food sent up.”

Marcus picked out a tank top and shorts for Tristan to leisurely wear at home.

After Tristan left to change, Marcus maneuvered his wheelchair out of the room. He found Sophia alone, looking exceptionally weary as she sat on the couch.

He squinted his eyes as he wheeled over to Sophia. He asked, “What’s wrong? You look pale. Is there a problem with your father’s business?”

Sophia was surprised and somewhat pleased that Marcus had noticed her poor complexion. She forced a smile as she answered, “No, no. Everything’s fine, Marcus. I’m just a little tired.”

Marcus, with his penetrating gaze, seemed to be deep in thought.

“If you’re tired, why don’t you go to bed for a while? Didn’t you say we’re heading back to M State in a few days? You should start packing tomorrow.” He suggested.

The mention of M State made Sophia look even more dejected. “Uh… Marcus, we can’t go back to Michigan yet.”

Marcus raised his eyebrows in confusion. “Why not?”

Sophia sighed in frustration. “There’s… there’s some financial issues with my father’s company. I need to stay here with him to sort it out. He’s getting old, and Bertha is giving him a hard time. I don’t trust them.”

She intentionally left out the part about her travel restrictions.

However, Marcus understood. “Alright. You should stay here and help your father with his company. Tristan and I can go ahead and wait for you in M State.”

Sophia looked shocked. “Marcus, you’re taking Tristan back without me? You’re not going to stay here with me?”

Marcus smirked. “What help could I be with this broken body of mine? Your father never liked me, and seeing me only upsets him. It’s better if Tristan and I go back to M State. You can better focus on your father’s company if we aren’t here.”

Sophia hesitated. “But…”

Marcus cut her off. “But what? Is the issue with the company so big that it’ll take months or even years to resolve?”

Sophia shook her head. “No, no! That’s not it!”

“Since it’s not a long-term issue, Tristan and I will only be in M State for a few days. We’re not used to staying here anyway.”


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