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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 1743

Chapter 1743

After glancing at her phone, Ellinor saw that it was a call from the director of her kids’ preschool.

Concerned about her children, Ellinor answered immediately. “Hello, Director. What’s the matter?”

On the other end of the line, the director’s voice was fraught with urgency. “Mrs. Blanchet, I need you to come to the preschool right away! Your son, Baber, has hit another child, and their parents are here and demanding to see you!”

“What?” Ellinor jumped to her feet, unable to believe that her normally well-behaved son, Baber, would resort to violence. Calming herself, she replied, “Alright, Director. I’m on my way.”

After hanging up the phone, she left the dining table without a word to Bartlett and rushed out.

“Ellinor, where are you going? What’s wrong?” Bartlett, realizing something was wrong, attempted to follow her but was halted by the waitress with the bill. By the time he managed to leave the restaurant, Ellinor was nowhere to be seen.


Ellinor instructed her chauffeur to stop and drove herself to the preschool, reaching it in just fifteen minutes. Her heart was pounding with worry for


Baber had always been considerate and polite. He was friendly towards all his classmates. What could have provoked him into hitting another child? After rushing into Baber’s classroom, she was informed by his teacher that he was currently in the director’s office.

Upon reaching the office, she found Baber standing alone in a corner with his head down.

The director was in the middle of apologizing to the other child’s parents. The parents, clearly upset about their child’s state, were not satisfied.

“What kind of establishment is this? How do you care for the children? How could another child have hurt our Andrew so badly?”

“That’s right! We chose this preschool because of its reputation. If this kind of thing happens under your watch, we won’t let it go!”

The director bowed in apology. “I am truly sorry. Baber has always been a well-behaved child. Today, we don’t know what happened. Usually, we have several teachers supervising them. Today, because the air conditioning broke down, the teachers were inspecting it. We left Baber with the other children for less than five minutes, and this happened. We take full responsibility for today’s mishap.”

The parents were not satisfied. “That’s not good enough! My son, who I don’t even lay a hand on, has been beaten up in your preschool. Unless the parents of that child come and apologize to my son, this matter isn’t over!”

They continued as tears welled up in their eyes. “Our son has always been well-behaved. Nobody has ever laid a finger on him. And now, look at him! Director, how could you dare say that this Baber is well-behaved? Could a well-behaved child do this to another child? And you even made such a violent child a class leader. What were you thinking?”

The director, at a loss, continued apologizing. Just as she didn’t know what to do next, she spotted Ellinor at the door.

Rushing over like she had found her lifeline, she said, “Mrs. Blanchet, I’m glad you’re here. Please have Baber apologize to the child he hit. Look, he even drew blood. His parents are really upset.”


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