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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 1735

Chapter 1735

Marcus didn’t say another word. The elevator chimed, signaling their arrival on the ground floor. “Let’s get moving,” he said.

Sophia guided him out as her mind filled with uncertainty and anxiety. What did Marcus mean by his earlier question?

They hopped into their RV and drove to a well-known spot in Greenhaven, a place called Blue River Estates.

The reason Sophia agreed to take Marcus and his son out was simple. She had bought plane tickets for the morning three days from now. She planned to return to M State ahead of schedule.

Regardless of whether her father’s affairs were settled, she would be leaving with Marcus immediately. The next day, she was scheduled for an artificial insemination procedure. After a couple days of recovery, they would be en route to M State.

But before they left, they might as well enjoy Greenhaven. Chances were slim that they’d ever come back.

They parked their RV on a patch of grass at Blue River Estates. Sophia helped Marcus out of the vehicle and inhaled deeply. “Marcus, the air here is so much better than the air in the city, but it’s still no match for M State.”

Marcus surveyed their surroundings with a distant gaze, paying her no mind.

His son, Tristan, wasn’t as dismissive. He glared at Sophia and retorted, “Sophia, are you an air quality monitor? How can you prove the air here is worse than the air in M State? I think it’s much better here with the smell of fresh grass.”

Sophia’s face turned red, but she held her tongue in front of Marcus and managed to force a smile. “Tristan, what do you know about it? M State is universally acknowledged for its great environment, so of course the air there is much better than other places.”

Tristan rolled his eyes. He was clearly unimpressed. “Why are you pretending to be from M State? If you want to be, then be, but don’t include me and Dad. We’re from here, and we think the air here is fresher.

His disrespect made her grind her teeth, but she plastered on a smile and changed the subject. “Alright, let’s not argue about irrelevant things. Come, Tristan, help Mom carry the purse. I’ll push your dad over there to enjoy the view.

Tristan glared at her, clearly not willing to accept her as his mother.

“You can carry your own purse! I can push Dad myself!” With that, he gently nudged Sophia aside and took over pushing Marcus’ wheelchair.

Sophia stood there, shooting daggers at the ungrateful kid.

Just wait. Once she was pregnant with Marcus’ child, Tristan’s days would be numbered.

Tristan pushed his dad to a more remote patch of grass, taking in the scenery and inhaling deeply. The air was fresher here without Sophia’s cheap perfume.

With an unreadable expression on his face, Marcus’ gaze swept over the familiar surroundings.

“Dad, I don’t want to go back to M State. What should I do?” Tristan broke the silence.

Marcus was pulled from his thoughts. He turned to look at his son and spoke in a low and soft voice. “Why not?”

Tristan pouted. “If we go back to M State, I won’t see Ellinor anymore. That’s why I don’t want to go.”

Marcus’ eyes softened at the mention of her name. He squinted as a small smile crossed his lips. “You like her that much?”

Tristan nodded vigorously. “Yes! I like her! I want to be with her.”

Marcus reached out to pat his son’s head. “Don’t worry, we won’t leave. You’ll be able to stay with her. And so will !.”

Tristan looked up at his dad. Surprise and disbelief were written all over his face.


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