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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 1723

Chapter 1723

Veronica steadied her breath. “It’s the woman who used to meddle in my brother and Ellinor’s love life. She should be in prison now! How could she possibly be out here for me to see?!”

Moran, not quite understanding the details, still tried to comfort her. “Could you have mistaken her for someone else?”

Veronica was now doubting herself too. She could have seen wrong.

By all means, that woman shouldn’t have been released this early!

It better not be her! Sophia was already disturbing Ellinor and her brother’s lives. With another wrench in the works, who knew when things will ever settle?

As she was muttering to herself, ready to head to the movies with Moran, she suddenly saw Patricia Howard in the coffee shop behind Moran, chatting

with a man.

She widened her eyes to make sure, but it was indeed Patricia.

The same Patricia, who had done so many bad things.

When did she get out of jail?

Moran, seeing his girlfriend frozen in place, followed her gaze and saw Patricia too, though he didn’t recognize her.

Perhaps feeling the stare from outside the window, the woman inside looked out.

Quick to avoid being spotted, Veronica dove into Moran’s arms, burying her face so Patricia couldn’t recognize her.

The woman inside, seeing a young couple hugging outside, thought nothing of it and continued her conversation with the man across from her.

Veronica quickly pulled Moran into a less obvious spot in the corner and continued to observe Patricia stealthily.

Patricia, with her short hair and lack of style, looked like she had just gotten out of prison, a far cry from her glamorous heiress days.

The man sitting across from her looked familiar to Veronica, but she couldn’t place him.

“Veronica, what are you looking at?” Moran asked, a little exasperated.

Veronica hushed him. “Moran, don’t get spotted! That woman inside used to hound my brother. She even used me to create discord between Ellinor and him. I hate her so much!”

Moran looked at the woman inside. She didn’t look particularly likeable, so he decided to dislike her along with his girlfriend.

Veronica continued, “She tried to harm Ellinor before, but was exposed by Ellinor herself. My brother then had her imprisoned. It was just what she deserved! But I didn’t expect her to be released so soon. Who knows if she’ll cause trouble for us again?”

Moran finally understood Veronica’s surprise and nodded. “I see.

Veronica kept her eyes on Patricia, trying her hardest to remember who the man across from her was.

Moran groaned. “Your brother sure is a babe magnet. He attracts so many girls. No wonder Ellinor has such a hard time.”

Veronica looked at her boyfriend and snorted. “Heaven knows my brother is not a flirt. It’s just that he’s too outstanding, so he attracts so many women? Moran sighed. “I hope you don’t attract the opposite sex like your brother does; otherwise, I’ll be really upset and jealous.”

Veronica froze, then blushed deeply. “Moran, you’re still teasing me at a time like this!”

“I’m not teasing you. I will really get jealous.”

“Relax; I’m not as outstanding as my brother. No one has ever liked me.”


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