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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 1694

Chapter 1694

Ida massaged her temples as she explained to him. “Because your brother’s men would never let her reveal anything once she wakes up.”

Byran crossed his arms. “I see. Why do you guys always talk in riddles? It’s so confusing.

Ida retorted, “You dummy!”

Byran frowned. “Ida, is that any way to talk to your own husband?

“Beat it!”

Meanwhile, inside a camper van on the road.

Ever since Marcus had gotten into the vehicle, he hadn’t uttered a word. He was silently sitting in his wheelchair, watching the scenery roll past through the window

Despite his usual cold demeanor, it still made Sophia very uncomfortable.

“Marcus, are you hungry? Should we grab something to eat before heading back to the hotel?” Sophia cautiously tried to make small talk.

The corner of Marcus’s mouth twitched. His voice was as icy and sarcastic as it had ever been. “What? Have you got other plans for me? What are you up to this time? What kind of trap have you set for me?”

Sophia’s face turned a deep red. “Marcus, no! I was just worried you might be hungry and thought we could grab a bite before heading back to the hotel.”

Marcus coldly replied, “No need, Ms. Sophia. From now on, I wouldn’t

In’t dare go anywhere you suggest and wouldn’t dare eat anything you offer. There’s simply no trust left between us.”

Sophia was immediately thrown into a panic. Marcus had always been cold towards her, but he had never been this direct. He even called her Ms. Sophia.

“Marcus, I know you’re upset about what happened today, but I… I just wanted to have a child with you. I didn’t mean any harm.”

Marcus turned to her with his eyes narrowed in annoyance. “Why do you insist on this way to have a child with me? Don’t we already have a child? You said Tristan was our kid, didn’t you? But why does it feel like Tristan isn’t yours?”

Marcus left Sophia speechless.

“Uh… I…”

His gaze was still sharp. “Sophia, why do I get the feeling that you’ve been rather nervous lately? Are you hiding something from me?”

Sophia was definitely nervous, but she could never admit it.

If she did, there would be no chance of recovery for their relationship.

Although Marcus had lost all his past memories, his character hadn’t changed one bit. He loathed deception and being controlled.

The only reason he was tolerating it now was because he was wheelchair-bound and vulnerable.

Regardless, Marcus believed the memories she had implanted in him. He believed they were married and that they had a child, Tristan, together!


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