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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 1679

Chapter 1679

Marcus jerked back as if he’d been struck by lightning, pushing her away with a force that was almost shocking.

“Don’t… don’t touch me!”

His voice was ragged. It was as if he’d used up every ounce of his strength to speak, gasping as if he were deprived of oxygen.

Even though Ellinor got pushed back, she still moved closer to him again. “What’s the matter with you? I just saved your life, and this is how you repay me? You’re so ungrateful!”

Marcus remained silent. He lowered his head, as if he were holding something back.

Ellinor was puzzled. She was about to reach out and lift his face when she was suddenly stopped by Balfour, who raised his arm to block her.

“Mr. Howard, don’t interfere! He doesn’t look right; I need to check what’s wrong with him!”

Balfour looked down at his sister, thinking she was smart yet sometimes so clueless. “You’re a mother of four, and you can’t tell what’s going on with him?”

Ellinor frowned, feeling confused. “You can?”

Balfour gave Marcus a cold look. “It seems like he’s been drugged or something. His body is reacting badly, and he’s trying his best to keep it together.”

Suddenly, Ellinor made the connection. The strange man in the wheelchair, the peculiar examination room…

She finally got it.


Ellinor had just watched some explicit videos without blushing, but now her cheeks were flushed.

As the older brother, Balfour could only pull his sister’s wrist. “Come on, let’s leave him here to recover. The nurse can’t handle him right now, and the doctor won’t be back anytime soon. Let’s give him some space to deal with this.”

Ellinor was still in a daze. She stopped after being pulled a few steps by Balfour and shook off his hand. “Mr. Howard, you leave. I’ll stay with him.”

Balfour didn’t agree. “Ellinor, he doesn’t even remember who you are!”

Ellinor was calm and clear about what she wanted to do. “I know. So what? I remember him, and that’s enough.”

Balfour furrowed his brows. He wanted to persuade his sister, but he knew it was futile.

He didn’t say anything else, turned around, and left through the balcony, giving them some space.

After Balfour had left, Ellinor approached Marcus, who was still hanging his head. “Look at me!”

Marcus did not do as he was told. His head was still bowed, and his hands were clenched into fists.

Ellinor reached out and lifted his chin, seeing a face that was helpless and enduring more than she’d ever seen before.

His eyes and cheeks were flushed, and his skin was burning hot. He bit his lip, unwilling to meet her gaze.

Ellinor wanted to mock him, but after seeing him look so pitiful, her heart ached.

“Are you feeling bad?” She asked him softly.

Marcus’ face was turned towards her, but his eyes were deliberately looking elsewhere.

He couldn’t control his body’s reaction. If it was a woman he disliked, he could still stand it. He still had his senses.

But her…

He didn’t want to lose his dignity in front of her.

He, who had lost the use of his legs, didn’t feel like a man anymore. If she saw him like this, it might destroy the image he once held in her heart.


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