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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 1672

Chapter 1672

Balfour glared at Byran with iciness in his eyes. “Enough with the chatter. Move it!”

Byran was cowed, yet he did not budge. He was frozen in fear and confusion.

Balfour, running out of patience, shoved his brother aside and stormed into the room.

Ellinor was sitting by the hospital bed, feeding their father chicken soup. The harmonious scene took Balfour aback, and his anger faded.

Byran, pushed to the ground by his brother, scrambled up and gaped at the sight before him.

Ellinor had been reluctant to come here at first. Who would have thought that she would be willing to feed their father?

Little did they know that Ellinor was not in this position by choice. McNeil had dropped his bowl earlier, staining the bandages on his wrist with blood. She could not bear to see it and had to lend a hand.

Balfour shook off his surprise, turned, and glared at his disobedient brother. “Didn’t I tell you not to call her?”

Byran scratched his head nervously, trying to laugh it off. “Bro, I didn’t call her. I went straight to the Blanchet residence to bring her here.”

Balfour snorted in disbelief. “You think that makes it any better?”

Byran fell silent.

Ignoring his brother, Balfour strode over to the bed and took the half-finished bowl of soup from Ellinor’s hand, setting it aside.

“He can eat or not. It’s none of your concern.”

Ellinor glanced at Balfour. “It’s good that you’re here. Take care of your father. I’ll take my leave now.”

With that, she quietly walked out of the room.

Without missing a beat, Balfour lifted his hand, gently patting her head. “Wait outside for a bit. I’ll drive you home.”

Ellinor had arrived in Byran’s car, so she would still need a lift from them. It didn’t matter to her whether it was Balfour’s or Byran’s car.

She nodded in agreement and quietly walked out.

Once Ellinor had left, Balfour stood by the bed, looking down at his father with a sarcastic smile. “So, you don’t want to die now?”

McNell looked at his son’s cold eyes with a self-deprecating smile on his lips. “I…I want to see your mother again.”

Balfour laughed bitterly. His mother didn’t even want to see her own son, so would she even spare him a glance?

“You can dream. Just don’t cause any more trouble at home. Don’t make our grandparents worry.”

“I see. I won’t.” McNeil nodded weakly; his face was still horribly pale. “You should take Ellinor home. Come back tomorrow.”

Balfour snorted coldly. “Are you asking me to come back, or do you want her to come back?”

McNeil managed a bitter smile. “I hope both of you will come back. Is that okay?”

Balfour smirked. “Father, you wish for her to come back? Do you know how long it took for her to even acknowledge me as her brother? To this day, she still refuses to call me brother. And all of this is thanks to you!”

McNeil lowered his gaze. “I know… I know… It’s my fault.”

“I’m glad you do. Take care of yourself and stay alive. Stop causing me trouble.” With that, Balfour turned on his heel and walked out.

McNeil watched his son’s retreating figure closed his eyes, and let out a deep sigh.


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