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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 1652

Chapter 1652

Thaddeus had envisioned a peaceful family dinner, a moment of unity and harmony, but it had turned into a disaster.

Being a man, he thought he could smooth things over with some sweet talk, “Ahem! Bertha, I realize that I might have been a bit harsh on…”

But Bertha wasn’t in the mood for his late apologies. Taking Lea by the hand, she prepared to leave the table. “Lea, let’s go. We won’t live with him anymore!”

Lea nodded and stood up with Bertha.

As Bertha and Lea prepared to leave, a smirk spread across Sophia’s face. This was just the spectacle she was hoping for: her father kicking them out.

Sophia knew that Thaddeus favored her, but she couldn’t stand anyone else taking even a tiny bit of his affection and attention. She secretly hoped that Bertha was serious about divorcing Thaddeus and taking her ‘brat’ of a daughter with her, never to return.

Just as Bertha was about to leave with Lea, she caught Sophia’s triumphant grin. She paused and turned around. “Sophia, what are you laughing at? Are you finally getting what you wanted, rid of me and Lea?”

Sophia quickly withdrew her smile and feigned innocence. “Bertha, I wasn’t laughing! Why are you accusing me?”

Bertha smirked, “I can see clearly whether you were laughing or not. But don’t celebrate too early! Sure, I’m divorcing your father, but I won’t leave empty-handed! Your father wants to leave all his wealth to you, right? Well, I’ll hire the best lawyers and fight for half of it! You’re aware of the law in M State, aren’t you? It tends to favor the mother!”

“You…” Sophia lost her smile. She hadn’t expected Bertha, who was usually timid, to fight back this fiercely.

Bertha cut her off, “Are you going to mock me now? Saying that I’m greedy and have been after your father’s wealth all along? I’ll have you know, I don’t need money and I don’t care for your father’s wealth! The lawsuit is to provide a fair share for my daughter. Once I win and gain half of your father’s wealth, I’ll donate all of it to charity in Lea’s name! In other words, I’d rather give it away than let you inherit it all!”

Sophia was taken aback. She looked at her father with an aggrieved expression, “Dad, you see. This is her true face…”

Bertha chuckled. As she had expected, Sophia played the victim card.

She interrupted again, “Enough! Stop playing the victim in front of your father! Don’t think that acting pitiful will make him hand over his fortune to you sooner. I’ll be filing for divorce in court right away. Until the divorce is finalized, your father has no right to decide who will inherit his fortune!”

Sophia clenched her fists. If it wasn’t in front of Thaddeus, she would have slapped Bertha by now!

Seeing Sophia’s anger, Bertha smiled, “You brought this upon yourself! If you hadn’t targeted Lea, I would have been fine with your father leaving you all his wealth. Are you happy now?”


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