Switch Mode

The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 1650

Chapter 1650

Sophia furrowed her brows. “Bertha, what are you talking about? When have I ever hated you or Lea? Is that really how you see me? You make it sound so nice, saying it’s because of Dad that you treat me like your own daughter! Is this how you treat your own daughter? Would you second-guess your own daughter like this? All I did was suggest, while Lea’s still young, you should educate her properly and prevent her from developing a bad temper! Is this hatred? If I truly hated you, I wouldn’t be sitting here having dinner with you, and Dad wouldn’t force me


Bertha had watched Sofia shed tears as she spoke, frowning in silence. Despite knowing Sophia was faking it, she didn’t want to seem too aggressive, considering her elder status.

Lea, however, had no such inhibitions. She had watched Sophia manipulate her mother one too many times and was not about to hold back!

Crying? She might not enjoy it, but she sure as hell could do it!

“Wah… Waaah…”

Lea burst into tears, “Sophia, when will you ever stop? My mom didn’t say anything unreasonable, yet you’re crying! I’m the one who should be crying, right? You were just accusing my mom of not raising me right, saying I have a bad temper, that I’ve picked up bad habits and whatnot! I’m the one who’s wronged here!”

Fighting fire with fire was always effective.

Sophia found it hard to continue her charade as Lea’s sobs overpowered hers.

She glared at Lea before turning her tear-filled eyes towards their stern-faced father, Thaddeus.

“Dad, you saw it. Bertha and Lea misinterpreted my good intentions.”

Thaddeus, with a heavy sigh, looked at Sophia and then sternly turned to Lea, “Enough! Stop crying, this is a restaurant, you’re ruining other people’s dining experience!”

Lea, taken aback by her father’s scolding, only cried harder.

Thaddeus, exasperated, muttered, “This child is really…”

“Really what?” Bertha, dropping her usual pleasant demeanor, interrupted her husband, ‘Thaddeus, do you need to shout at our daughter?”

Thaddeus was taken aback, seldom having seen his wife lose her temper. He was perplexed, “Why are you getting angry at me? I was only educating our child! If I can’t even do that, then it’s clear you’ve spoiled her. She’s becoming unruly!”

“You’re a piece of shit!” Bertha retorted.

Thaddeus, wide-eyed, thought he’d misheard, “What… What did you just call me? Bertha, what’s wrong with you today?”

Bertha was genuinely furious, “Not just today. I’ve been wrong since the beginning! How else would I have ended up marrying you?”

Thaddeus’s face darkened further, “Enough! Stop making a scene here!”


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