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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 1610

Chapter 1610

Chase shrugged and chuckled. “But I’ve turned over a new leaf, haven’t I?”

Ellinor shot him a glare. “Leopards don’t change their spots.”

Then she turned to Belinda, her expression softening slightly. “Belinda, does he have something on you?”

Chase wiped the sweat off his forehead, stunned at how bad his reputation was in his boss’s eyes.

Belinda awkwardly pulled at her lip. “Ellinor, no… he didn’t force me…”

Ellinor frowned. “How did you agree to marry him so quickly? Have you forgotten how he treated you before?”

Belinda blushed. “He said he was serious about me, so I wanted to give him a chance”

Ellinor looked worried. “You need to think it through. Dating is fine; I won’t interfere with that. But marriage is too much; you should reconsider.”

Belinda looked at her in surprise. “Uh…”

Chase, afraid that his hard-won wife would be talked out of marriage by Ellinor, quickly moved to sit between the two women.

“Boss, you see! You blamed me for not discussing it with you, but could we really discuss it? If we did, I would lose my wife.”

Ellinor looked at him with disdain. “Didn’t you used to say you were against marriage? Are you sure you’re ready to be tied down to one woman for the rest of your life? I don’t care about other girls, but Belinda isn’t someone you can just play with. Marriage is not child’s play!”

Chase tried to explain with a wry smile. “Boss, can we stop talking about my past? Who doesn’t have one? I thought I would never fall in love with a woman, and I enjoyed my freedom, so I didn’t plan to get married.

But now, I realize that I’m not as carefree as I thought. I’ve fallen for a woman.

For her, I’m willing to restrain myself, accept the constraints of marriage, and take responsibility for her. I’ve thought it through.”

Ellinor eyed Chase with skepticism. “What if one day you let Belinda down?”

Chase didn’t want to make empty promises. He had made too many in the past. They were meaningless and only tarnished his feelings for Belinda.

After thinking for a moment, he said, “If that ever happens, you and Ida can hire someone to castrate me.”

Ellinor, Ida, and Belinda were left speechless.

Byran pulled the attention to himself. “Hey! Don’t involve my ida in such matters, okay? I don’t want her to have any connection with another man’s lower body.”

Sometimes, Byran was really too much.

Chase glanced at Byran and looked seriously at Ellinor. “Boss, I’m serious. I’m not joking this time. I wouldn’t dare play with your niece’s feelings. I’m afraid you’d knife me.”

Ellinor snorted coldly. “If you were really scared of me, you wouldn’t have acted first and reported later.”


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