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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 1586

Chapter 1586

Ellinor quirked a brow as a smirk played on her lips. “What are you so pleased about?”

Marcus met her gaze. “I’m pleased to accept your indifference.”

Ellinor squinted slightly. “I’m indifferent because I remember who you used to be, the experiences we had together, and the emotions we shared. Why are you so pleased to accept me? Don’t you remember me at all? Are you so easily taken in by a woman you’ve just met?”

Marcus didn’t shy away from her probing gaze; his eyes were steady and sly. “Can I say my reasons are similar to yours?”

Ellinor was puzzled. “Similar how?”

Marcus tilted his chin up slightly. “I find you irresistibly attractive. So much so, that I can’t refuse you.”

Ellinor’s eyes widened slightly. Her gaze dropped to his deliberately lifted chin, and her heart fluttered.

It wasn’t a deep kiss. It was just a gentle pressing of lips that made them feel each other’s warmth, not moving any further.

About ten seconds later, Ellinor pulled away, her slender fingers lingering at her lips. “Remember anything?”

Marcus shook his head. He felt a sense of familiarity but couldn’t recall any past memories.

Ellinor reached out to gently touch his lips. “Take your time. There’s no rush. I can wait.”

Marcus caught her hand before it could retreat, holding it lightly. “Thank you.”

Strangely, even though he couldn’t remember anything about her, he didn’t mind her touch and even seemed to welcome it.

Ellinor didn’t pull her hand away. “What are you thanking me for?”

“For everything you’re doing for me.”

Ellinor huffed at his vague response, finally pulling her hand back. “You don’t even know what I’m doing for you, and you’re thanking me?

Marcus stared at her, his eyes serious. “I may not know the specifics, but I can imagine.”

Ellinor snorted. “I’m leaving. See you tomorrow.”

As she turned to leave, Marcus instinctively reached out to stop her.

Ellinor stopped, looking back at him. “Anything else you want to say?”

Marcus opened his mouth, then closed it again, looking slightly awkward. He didn’t really have anything else to say.

He had simply reacted on instinct, not wanting her to leave.

After seeing him silent, Ellinor turned back, cupping his face in her hands. She bent down and planted a kiss on his cheek.

Marcus froze, his usually stoic face turning a faint shade of red. “What… what was that?”

Ellinor shrugged. “You weren’t saying anything, so I assumed you didn’t want me to leave. A goodbye kiss isn’t okay?”

Marcus paused, then chuckled. “Isn’t a goodbye kiss usually on the lips?

Ellinor glared at him. “You can kiss elsewhere when you remember me. I’m leaving before Sophia catches us.”

As she walked out, Ellinor realized her choice of words hadn’t been the best. Sophia catching them? She was the original partner here. Sophia was the one who had stolen her love.

She left, feeling a mix of frustration and confusion.

Just as she reached the door, Marcus called out to her. “Wait!”


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