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The Kiss That Sparked it All Chapter 1179

Chapter 1179

The new office building of the Blanchet Corporation was contracted for design and construction by the Crescent Society. However, Crescent Society announced that their designer, Moon, had some stuff going on and couldn’t attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony. They suggested their president represent Moon instead.

This news got the shareholders of the Blanchet Corporation all riled up. They didn’t buy the idea of the president subbing in for the designer, thinking that Crescent Society’s arrangement was bringing bad juju to their new office building.

Although Theo didn’t buy into these rumors, being the big cheese of the company, he couldn’t ignore his shareholders’ opinions.

So he personally made a call to the big gun of the Crescent Society, Ida, and dropped the bombshell that if the designer, Moon, didn’t show up for the ribbon-cutting ceremony, they wouldn’t cough up the final payment.

The final payment was no chicken feed. It could even affect the survival of the Crescent Society.

Ida was pretty peeved at this. “Mr. Blanchet, don’t you think you’re stepping over the line here? How could you use the final payment as a bargaining chip?”

Theo retorted coolly. “Who’s really overstepping here? You know full well what it means for the desigher not to attend and how the media will spin the ribbon-cutting ceremony. If you guys still want to do business in Greenhaven, you’d better make sure Moon shows up.”

On the other end of the phone, Ida adjusted her glasses. “I thought you didn’t believe in rumors. I didn’t expect you to be as brainless as those people, who care so much about these trivial things.”

Theo snapped back. “Whether I care or not isn’t the point. It’s about your attitude towards your clients! If you guys keep this up, I doubt any local companies will hire you for their projects in the future.”

Ida was left speechless, and the line went dead soon after.

Ida knew they hadn’t intentionally screwed over the Blanchet Corporation. It was just that Moon was actually Ellinor. For the past six months, she had been avoiding Theo, so how could she possibly attend the Blanchet Corporation’s ribbon-cutting ceremony?

Wouldn’t that be like courting disaster by bumping into Theo?

Ida and Chase had thought about having someone impersonate Moon at the ceremony since no pictures of Moon were circulating, meaning no one knew what Moon actually looked like.

Theo had met Moon at their company once, but Moon had been wearing a mask, so he hadn’t seen her real face.

What they were worried about was that Theo, with his extensive business experience and sharp wits, had shown curiosity about designer Moon. If he had a few words with the faux designer at the ceremony, he might smell a rat.

That could complicate things even more.

What should they do now? They couldn’t actually have Ellinor show up, could they?

Theo stepped out of the Blanchet Corporation building, ready to attend an important business banquet.

Once he got into the car, he habitually rubbed his forehead, showing signs of fatigue. His eyes were complicated and filled with worry.

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For the past six months, Ellinor seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth. No one had seen her, and there were no records of her leaving the country or making any purchases. She was MIA.

He had suspected that Ida and Chase of the Crescent Society were hiding her since they were close and had been friends for many years. Even if Ellinor didn’t need him anymore, she wouldn’t just ditch her friends like that, right?

So for the past six months, he had been keeping tabs on Ida and Chase’s activities but didn’t find any fishy behavior or anything about her whereabouts.


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