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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike Chapter 943

Chapter 943

“Are you worried about her?” he inquired instead of offering a response.

“She once took care of me and showed concern for me. I can’t simply be indifferent toward her,” Rosalie stated.

He raised his hand and gently brushed his fingers across her red and swollen eyes. “But even if you know her current condition, what’s the point?”

“Jon, if you truly intend to seek revenge on Mrs. Smuckler, at the very least, get her a doctor. Otherwise, given her age, a severe fever might prove fatal,” Rosalie urged.

Jonathan suddenly burst into laughter. “She might die, but what about my father? He actually died! Also, Rosalie, do you know what real revenge entails? She’s only experiencing a fever now. I didn’t instruct anyone to leave her in a bloody mess, nor did I have her tongue cut off, her eyes gauged out, and her limbs broken. As of now, I’ve been quite merciful. What more do you expect from me?”

If it weren’t for Rosalie, Jonathan would have ensured that the woman suffered a fate far worse than what she was currently experiencing.

Rosalie took a deep breath and looked at the man in front of her in shock.

Jonathan gently touched the hair on her cheek. “Did I scare you?”

“I…” Her throat was parched.

“But still, this is me. The real me.” He had revealed his dark side to her. “But you don’t need to be afraid of me. I will never hurt

you, ever.”

Rosalie fixed her gaze on Jonathan. After a long pause, she murmured, “I know you won’t hurt me, but Jon, can’t you let me see Mr. and Mrs. Smuckler?”

“It’s unnecessary,” he said. “If they wish to spend the rest of their lives in prison, they can go there of their own volition, right?”

The issue, however, was that given Kaylie’s guilt, she would likely not escape this punishment. As for Connor, he would almost certainly stand by his wife.

“Okay, it’s getting late. Go get some rest earlier,” Jonathan advised Rosalie, to which she responded with a

soft hum.

The next day, after Jonathan had left, Rosalie went to a drawer. She opened the drawer and retrieved a small box containing an amulet.

Calvin had given her this amulet when he visited her in the hospital before leaving Strico.

Back then, Calvin had only mentioned that if she faced any difficulties in the future, she could open the


At that time, Rosalie had paid little attention to this statement. She had simply believed that if any real difficulties arose, Jonathan would naturally help her address them. She wouldn’t have needed Calvin’s assistance.

It wasn’t until a few days ago that she opened the amulet and discovered an address inside, along with a small carved amethyst flower.

Rosalie bit her lip slightly and held the note with the address and amethyst flower tightly in her palm.

Calvin stood high above, gazing down at the vast expanse of the city. It appeared as if he were on a peak, looking down upon everything below

From childhood to adulthood, Calvin had always maintained this position, elevated and overlooking everything.

He believed he could attain anything he desired, but it-turned out that while he could acquire many things, the one thing he desired most was unattainable.

“Is Jonathan fortunate or incredibly unlucky?” he couldn’t help wondering.

Calvín regretted the missed opportunity from years ago countless times. He often wondered if he had assisted Rosalie when she had come to him, could their fate have been rewritten?

Or, as she had claimed, no matter what he did, the person she loved would always be Jonathan.



At that moment, Calvin’s phone rang. He picked it up and furrowed his brow when he saw the caller ID. This number rarely contacted him unless it was…

Calvin promptly answered the call, hearing a voice on the other end saying, “Mr. Gunner, someone brought an amethyst flower and wants us to locate the whereabouts of two individuals.”

Calvin gripped the phone tightly and responded to the caller, “No matter the request, you must fulfill all her demands.”

“Understood, Mr. Gunner,” the voice on the other end confirmed, and the call ended.

Calvin glanced at his phone, deep in thought. He had left the address for Rosalie as a precaution in case she ever faced difficulties.

However, he didn’t anticipate her needing it so soon.

“Why can’t Jonathan assist her in finding those two people? What has happened between her and Jonathan?” Calvin pondered.

Just then, a sudden knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

Raising his head, Calvin instructed, “Come in.”

The door opened, and the secretary ushered in a young woman. “Mr. Gunner, the individual you requested is here.”

“All right, you may leave,” Calvin instructed.

The secretary exited the room, leaving Calvin alone with the woman who appeared nervous as she gazed at Calvin. Simultaneously, there was a hint of expectation in her expression.

Calvin observed the woman before him in silence. She had a shapely figure and long black hair, now styled in trendy, loose waves rather than the ponytail he first saw her in.

Her makeup was impeccable, with vivid red lipstick that gave off the impression she was doing her best to accentuate her beauty.

In his opinion, she was just as attractive without makeup. The cosmetics seemed to mask her natural elegance and quiet charm, particularly the eye makeup. Her eyes, once bearing a resemblance to Rosalie’s, seemed to have lost those similarities due to the makeup.

“You needn’t wear makeup in front of me going forward,” Calvin stated calmly. “Also, have you thoroughly reviewed the contract your secretary presented to you?”

“I… have seen it,” the woman replied in a soft voice, her cheeks turning slightly pink.

“If you have any concerns, feel free to voice them,” he offered.

“No, I have no complaints. It’s acceptable as is,” she hastily assured him.

“Very well. We will go to the law firm tomorrow and sign this contract. You will become my personal assistant during my stay here,” Calvin informed her.

“I… I don’t understand why you want me to be your personal assistant,” the woman admitted, her blush deepening. After all, it was difficult for her to comprehend why a man would suddenly approach her with such a request.


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