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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike Chapter 941

Chapter 941

“All right, don’t overthink it. I’ll help you with the lawsuit if we reach that point,” Rosalie said.

After sending Lillian home, Rosalie dialed a phone number. It belonged to David Field, a seasoned private detective Rosalie knew. Rosalie had networked with David when she was still working as a lawyer in Lofbury.

“Help me investigate Madeline Tall from Tall Group. I want to know about her interactions with Callum after their official breakup at the press conference and her current whereabouts,” Rosalie requested. Rosalie still felt she needed to investigate to put her mind at ease.

As for the whereabouts of Connor and Kaylie, Rosalie did not ask David to look into it. If Jonathan truly wanted to keep their location hidden, there might not be any conclusive results at all even if she had David investigate.

Rosalie arrived at Youngblood Group’s building. When she almost reached Jonathan’s office, she saw Carlos briskly walking towards Jonathan’s office with a stack of documents.

“Mr. Gibson!” Rosalie stopped Carlos.

Carlos’s steps came to a halt, and he looked somewhat surprised at Rosalie. “Mrs… Mrs. Youngblood? What brings you here?”

“I’ve come to see Jon.” Rosalie asked, “Do you have some official business with him?”

Carlos’s expression shifted slightly. He then smiled faintly and replied, “My matters can wait. I’ll come to meet Mr. Youngblood later.”

After saying that, Carlos was about to turn and leave, but Rosalie suddenly grabbed his arm. “Mr. Gibson, how are Mr. and Mrs. Smuckler doing now?”

Carlos was startled by Rosalie’s sudden grip, causing his hand, which was holding the documents, to tremble. The documents instantly fell to the ground.

Upon seeing that, Rosalie quickly apologized, “I’m sorry.” She then crouched down to pick up the documents that had fallen to the ground.

Carlos hurriedly rejected, “No need…”

However, it was too late. Rosalie had already picked up the scattered documents, and in the process, she had a chance to see the content on the papers.

Rosalie stared at the documents in her hand, which unmistakably contained reports about Connor and Kaylie, detailing their daily eating and sleeping schedules, as well as their daily activities.

At the same time, Rosalie saw a photo showing Kaylie lying on a shabby bed, looking unwell, and a side note stating a recorded body temperature of 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit.

Rosalie thought, “Is Mrs. Smuckler having a fever?!”

Considering Kaylie’s recent surgery on her leg, coupled with those challenging circumstances and the less-than-ideal living conditions, it was no surprise that she might become ill.

“Where are they?” Rosalie asked Carlos anxiously.

Carlos wore an uneasy expression as he replied, “Mrs. Youngblood, this… I can’t reveal it without Mr. Youngblood’s permission. If you really want to know, I suggest asking him.”

Rosalie understood that further questioning Carlos might not yield any answers, so she turned and walked into Jonathan’s office.

In the office, Jonathan was reviewing some documents. Upon hearing the sound, Jonathan looked up and asked Rosalie, “What brings you here?”

“Where have you hidden Mr. and Mrs. Smuckler?” Rosalie questioned.

“Why? Are you here to interrogate me?” Jonathan’s gaze suddenly turned cold.

“Mrs. Smuckler is having a fever now. At her age, even a slight fever can lead to various illnesses. Jon, even if you want her to atone, please find a doctor to treat her first,” Rosalie pleaded.

Jonathan stood up and walked over to Rosalie. “Why? Do you think I’m the one who’s keeping them



locked up?”

“Aren’t you?” Rosalie retorted.

“I simply provided them a place for that woman to reflect on her actions. If Mr. Smuckler wants to leave, he can do so any time. As for the person I once called a mother, she can leave if she chooses to. But once she leaves, the next step for her is prison.”

Jonathan leaned down slightly with his gaze fixed on Rosalie while saying that. He wore a faint, enigmatic smile as if he were mocking something.

Rosalie suddenly felt a shock of realization. She understood why Connor had not left. Connor was probably afraid that if he ran away to find a doctor or report the situation, Jonathan would send Kaylie to prison even though there would be a doctor to treat her illness without a doubt.

With Jonathan’s legal team, winning the lawsuit would not be too challenging. After all, there was substantial evidence from the past events. Although Connor was a prominent figure in the legal field, it was likely that he would lose the case in the end.

“Where are they now? Can you please tell me?” Rosalie asked.

Jonathan suddenly sneered. “Didn’t you promise me you’d stand by my side and not plead for that woman anymore? Or was that just empty talk?”

“Yes, I did promise that I wouldn’t plead for them or on your behalf, but at least let me see them once. Right now, I don’t even know where they are,” Rosalic implored.

“But even if you know where they are, what difference will it make, Rosie?” Jonathan lifted his hands and gently embraced Rosalie.

Jonathan’s movements were incredibly tender, and his voice sounded like he was whispering sweet nothings, but the words he uttered weighed heavily on Rosalie’s chest.

“I won’t tell you where they are. Their decision to stay there is their own. Don’t interfere in this matter anymore. Since you

said I’m your most important person, are you willing to hurt me again?” Rosalie felt her heart sinking deeper and deeper. It was as if two conflicting forces were pulling her in opposite directions within her own body.

Jon, is this really how you wan body.

your mother to seek redemption like this? Over the years, your mother had carried a heavy burden in her heart. There’s an unnamed photo In Mr. Smuckler’s house, and Mrs. Smuckler is the one keeping it. He said she was indebted to someone. And for the past 20 years, she hasn’t had a single peaceful day. She was regretful and had been fasting and praying, hoping that could rest in peace. I think that person must be your father. She…”


“Don’t say another word,” Jonathan interrupted, slowly releasing his arms around Rosalie and placing his hands on her shoulders. He lowered his head, staring into her eyes, and said, “If you don’t want to hurt me, then don’t say another word!”

Jonathan’s gaze made Rosalie’s throat feel dry, and she could not mutter a single word as if she was choked by something.

It felt as though uttering one more word would break some sort of taboo, causing irreparable damage to their relationship.

Jonathan’s gaze silently conveyed a message to Rosalie that he harbored a deep, intense hatred for Kaylie. That hatred was overwhelming and all-encompassing.


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