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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike Chapter 894

Chapter 894

Jonathan kissed her, but what Calvin said earlier filled his mind again.

To achieve his goal, he did whatever it took and never thought there was anything wrong with him. Additionally, his grandfather also taught him that way at the beginning.

The process was not important, but the result. At that time, the result was what he expected. However, at that moment, he was afraid that she would know his ruthlessness. His initial indifference to her case had already made her resist him so much. If she knew anything else, perhaps she would think he was too mean.

Ruthlessness was never a derogatory word in his heart, but it had become part of his fear.

“Rosie…” When the kiss was over, Jonathan murmured her name. “Everything I did, I did it because love you so much.”

“What’s the matter? Why are you suddenly saying this?” Rosalie asked.

“Nothing.” His eyelashes trembled slightly, and then he looked at her hands wrapped in gauze. “Do you regret it?”

She was stunned and only heard his voice saying, “Do you regret saving Calvin? The condition of your hands wouldn’t have deteriorated to this extent if you didn’t hold Calvin desperately today.” When that sentence left his lips, he regretted it as he thought, “What kind of answer did I want to hear? That she regretted it? I already know what kind of answer she’ll give him, so why did I ask?” “Not at all.” Rosalie’s voice came to Jonathan’s ear, which made his body suddenly stiffen.

As he expected, that was her answer. She really was willing to use her hands in exchange for Calvin’s life.

“Jon.” Rosalie struggled to lift her hands. Her fingers were wrapped in bandages and even attached with wires from medical instruments. At that time, it was difficult for her to do such a simple action as holding his face. “I don’t regret it because I don’t want to feel guilty in the future. Besides, I believe that you will come to me and save me in the mountains as long as I persist.”

Jonathan’s eyelashes trembled. “Do you believe me?”

“I do because I know you love me and that in this world, you will come to me regardless of danger!” she said. Back then, she knew how much he loved her when he made a will right before risking his life to save her from the sea.

“What about Calvin? What if he loves you so much that he doesn’t care about danger?” Jonathan asked.

Rosalie hesitated for a moment. Then, she remembered that when she grabbed Calvin’s wrist to stop him from falling, he had shouted several times to release him and leave with Zekiah.

At that time, if she really let go of him, Calvin would fall directly into the rubble and even be buried alive.

She thought there was no way she could reciprocate Calvin’s feelings.

“Jon, my heart is so small that I can’t hold too many people inside,” Rosalie said. “I don’t regret saving Calvin with these hands today because he saved me and Zeki. If he were someone else, I would make the same choice.”

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Jonathan replied, “Honestly, I should be the one regretting that I allowed this to happen. If I had…” “Jon, I’ve forgiven you!” Rosalie said seriously, trying to calm his regret, pain, self-reproach, and guilt. At that time, she didn’t want to tell him the real situation of her hand. “I really forgive you, so don’t blame yourself like this.”

He looked at her in a daze. She said so seriously to forgive him, but his heart was still heavy.

“You didn’t know me at that time. I was just an insignificant person to you,” said Rosalie.

Hearing that, Jonathan wondered if she would forgive him for what he did if he did it after knowing her. After all, Rosalie knew that Fiona would never have pretended to be her without his help.

Perhaps everything afterward wouldn’t have happened. Calvin wouldn’t have misunderstood her because of Fiona’s tricks. Also, when Lillian was seriously injured and hospitalized, Calvin would definitely help her as soon as possible.

In that case, she wouldn’t come to beg him and then marry him!

Furthermore, the incident at the sea wouldn’t have occurred, and so would Rosalie’s memory loss for the next five years.

Everything Jonathan did changed the course of his, Calvin’s, and Rosalie’s lives.

Meanwhile, Calvin met Yvette in the detention center.

Yvette was a little surprised. “I didn’t expect you to come to see me. I heard that you were also on the mountain at that time. Why did you have to rush to save Rosalie? Even if you don’t care about danger, Rosalie is in love with Jonathan. You thought too highly of yourself!”

“Perhaps I do,” Calvin replied with a smile. “I came to see you because I wanted to know what happened when Rosalie fell into the sea back then.”

After all, he couldn’t figure out anything specific from the Youngblood family. The only thing he knew was that the official announcement of the Youngblood family said Rosalie didn’t fall into the sea because of an accident.

However, there was no mention of the cause of that accident.

As such, only Yvette could give him the answer.

Yvette sneered, “And here

Was wondering why you wanted to meet me. In the end, it was for Rosalie! Do you think I will tell you the truth?”

“Zachary is seriously injured. He’s dead if a fortune isn’t spent on saving him. However, Jonathan has asked the hospital to treat Zachary. It seems he wanted Zachary to live at any cost,” Calvin said coldly.

Yvette’s expression changed.

Calvin continued, “Jonathan is a vengeful man, and you know it. You and Zachary are destined to be imprisoned, but you still have a child, right, Felix? Although the child’s biological father is not Zachary, his biological mother is you. How would Jonathan treat that child?”

Yvette was silent, and her hands almost subconsciously grasped the hem of her dress.

After a while, she slowly said, “Will you promise to protect Felix if I tell you the truth about what happened back then?”

“If he doesn’t do anything to threaten Rosalie and her three children, I will protect him,” Calvin said.


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