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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike Chapter 719

Chapter 719

He felt as though he was standing on the edge of a cliff. Even if he moved the tiniest bit, he would shatter his entire body.

“You took money and said as you were told?” Warren spat out with anger in his eyes. “Aren’t you a doctor? Isn’t it your job to save lives and heal the wounded? Instead, you’re hurting people! You caused an innocent person to go to prison!” The man was startled by Warren’s anger and stammered, “I-I just said in court that Irene was pregnant and had a miscarriage. I didn’t say anything else! Mr. York, were you not the one who testified in court that Irene was pushed down the stairs by that woman?”

His words were like a slap across Warren’s face, causing the latter to be speechless. At that time, it was indeed he who appeared in court to testify that he saw Amelia push Irene down the stairs.

His testimony was the most crucial one. It was because of his testimony that the judge finally found Amelia guilty.

Warren didn’t know what to say for a moment, and the blood in his body seemed as though it was frozen.

“If Irene was not pregnant at that time, there would be no so-called miscarriage. Warren, you testified that you saw blood staining Irene’s dress. Isn’t it suspicious where the blood came from?” Rosalie said.

Warren’s lips trembled. He closed his eyes and began to think about the scene back then.

“Irene made such a complete preparation and then fell down the stairs. She said that Amelia pushed her down the stairs. It’s not predictable when one would be pushed down the stairs. Despite that, Irene predicted it accurately and even prepared the blood in advance. Is she a psychic? Warren, did you really see Amelia push her at that time? Or did you simply take Irene’s word for it and think that it was Amelia’s doing? Back then, if you had even the slightest doubt and looked into the matter, you would have known the truth! But you were eager to take revenge on Amelia, so Irene handed you the knife, and you stabbed Amelia with it. Even if you had some doubts at that time, I’m afraid you would have ignored them!”

Rosalie’s words seemed like torture to Warren, causing him immense pain.

It turned out that what he owed Amelia and his wrongdoings were more than he thought.

“That’s enough. Stop talking about it!” Warren murmured.

“Is that enough? It’s not enough!” Rosalie continued, “Warren, do you know that you have ruined Amelia’s relationships and her entire life? Do you know what it’s like to go to prison? Do you know what she endured in prison? You have never



suffered the pain Amelia felt. How could you say that this is enough?”

Warren suddenly opened his eyes, panting. His lips trembled, and he opened his mouth as if he wanted to ask something, but in the end, he didn’t ask anything. Instead, he turned around numbly and left the room.

As he walked out, every step he took felt extremely heavy.

It was as if all his strength was being drawn away from his body, and waves of pain swept through him incessantly.

“Yes, Rosalie was right. Irene was the one who handed me the knife, and I was the one who actually stabbed Amelia with it! If I didn’t testify in court back then, Amelia might never have been sent to prison. What really happened was… All I saw was the ending. I only saw Irene falling down the stairs and didn’t see Amelia ‘pushing’ her at all. Yet, in court, I said that Amelia pushed Irene down the stairs! It was I who sent the love of my life to prison!” he thought.

Warren suddenly staggered and fell to the ground on his knees. He swung his fists and beat himself hard on the chest.

“It hurts! My heart hurts so much!” he roared internally.

No matter how hard he beat himself, it seemed impossible to release the pain.

“Ahhh!” He let out a hoarse scream, sounding on the brink of tears.

The scenes of the past flashed past his mind.

She kept telling him that she was wronged, but he didn’t believe it at all. At that time, he only wanted to revenge on her and the Haab family. He practically hoped that she had really pushed Irene down the stairs.

That was because that was the only way he could make her end up miserably and free himself of any guilt.

He had used the law as a sharp blade and stabbed her all over.

He had trodden over her dignity, pride, and innocence, crushing them under his feet.

“Warren, do you believe that loving couples are meant to grow old together?”

“Do you?”

“Of course! If a person really loved another, they would never fall in love with. someone else in their life. If they fell in love with someone else, it could only be said that the person they previously fell in love with was not their true love. I hope we can grow old together.”

“So, am I your true love?”

“Yes, my one and only. I, Amelia, will only ever love Warren York in this life and won’t ever fall for another person!”

She only loved him!

Back then, she was innocent and beautiful. She loved him so openly and




However, he had utterly destroyed all her love!

The sound of footsteps came. Rosalie walked to Warren and looked down at him, who was kneeling on the ground with his body trembling. “Warren, you owe Amelia too much. She once saved you. What about you? Are you willing to compensate for her life with yours?”

Warren slowly raised his head, with plain wretchedness and pain on his face. He smiled miserably. “My life? She wouldn’t take it anyway. If she wants it, I could give it to her. I would give her anything…”

But now, even if he really died in front of Amelia thousands of times and more, it would not be enough to make up for the suffering and grievances she had suffered!

“Since you’re willing to do that, then give her your liver! Amelia has liver cancer and only a few months left to live!” Rosalie said.

Warren’s eyes widened. He looked at Rosalie in disbelief. To him, it was as though the sky had just collapsed in that instant.

In the CEO’s Office of Youngblood Group, Howard looked at the man who almost became his son-in-law with a dark face.

The head of Youngblood Group was Jonathan. Even though everyone knew that Leonard was still the chairman, they knew that he would not be able to manage it for long and that Jonathan was ultimately the one in charge of the Youngblood family.

The way Howard saw it, if his eldest daughter married Jonathan back then, the Hamilton family wouldn’t be in such a mess now.


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