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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike Chapter 683

Chapter 683

“I’ve already replied that the patient who received the bone marrow transplant isn’t willing to donate their liver. Once that woman dies, you’ll have nothing to worry about,” Brayden reassured.

“Oh, yes. As long as Amelia is dead, I won’t have to worry anymore,” Irene thought.

That was, without a doubt, the best news she had heard all day. After all, she could finally make Amelia vanish from the face of the earth!

Meanwhile, it didn’t take long before Jonathan found information regarding Amelia’s bone marrow donation.

“The records filed by the hospital show that Irene did donate her bone marrow to Warren. At the same time, there are also Amelia’s donation records, except the recipient page is completely blank.”

“Blank?” Rosalie exclaimed. “How can it be blank?”

“Of course, that’s to prevent people from knowing who the recipient is. Coincidentally, the blood types of Irene, Amelia, and Warren are the same. The dates the two women donated their bone marrows are also the same,” Jonathan continued.

Rosalie’s eyes instantly widened. “Doesn’t that mean there’s a high possibility that the one who received Amelia’s bone marrow was Warren?”

“I’d say the possibility is more than 99%,” Jonathan answered. “The hospital records at that time had been tampered with, so we can’t find any original documents. However, we managed to track down a record in the bone marrow bank. It listed only one instance of bone marrow donation that coincided with Amelia’s rare blood type. Back then, the staff of the bone marrow bank had called Irene and Amelia regarding the transplant. The former refused, but Amelia agreed.”

“Oh, my… So it’s true, then!” Rosalie thought as she took a sharp intake of breath. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine there was such a bond between Amelia and Warren. The man had always wanted to take revenge on Amelia and even send Amelia to prison, but little did he know that Amelia was the one who had selflessly donated her bone marrow to him!

Sadly, Amelia might also never expect that the person she saved was the one who. had destroyed her life.

“Amelia is such a poor thing… Does Warren know he’s hurting the woman who saved his life? Rosalie choked-out.

“Are you feeling sad again?” Jonathan asked as he looked at Rosalie’s slightly reddened eyes. “Looks like I shouldn’t let you interfere with Amelia’s matters in the future. I don’t want to see you this upset all the time.”



Upon hearing that, Rosalie hurriedly adjusted her mood. “No, no. I can’t help but feel bad for Amelia. Why don’t I visit Warren tomorrow and explain the situation to him? He’s the only person who can save Amelia now. If he’s willing to donate his liver to Amelia, she’ll have a chance to survive!”

“Calm down. If you approached Warren at this juncture and said all that, he might think we’re making up stories to save Amelia,” Jonathan reasoned.

“Isn’t there a record in the bone marrow bank, though?” Rosalie retorted. “Doesn’t it show that Irene refused to be a donor back then?”

“However, she can also say that she agreed later, except it wasn’t recorded in the bone marrow bank,” Jonathan explained. “We’d need more evidence to convince Warren.”

Rosalie took a deep breath. “Let’s find more evidence, then. No matter what, we must convince Warren that the person who saved him was Amelia! He has to save Amelia now!”

“What if he still refuses?” Jonathan asked as he raised his brows. “After all,

according to my investigation, Amelia’s father nearly destroyed the York family back then. Later, Warren reinvigorated the York family and chose to take revenge on Amelia because her father had already passed away.”

With such a family scandal, Warren might not be willing to help Amelia even if he knew the truth.

Of course, that was assuming Warren had genuinely lost all feelings for Amelia. “If he still refuses, I’ll do whatever it takes to get him on the operating table, even if it means having to tie him up!” Rosalie said through gritted teeth, looking fiercely determined.

Jonathan couldn’t help but look at Rosalie in surprise.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I thought you were the kind of person who’d always abide by the law no matter what. You wouldn’t do anything against others’ will.”

Upon hearing that, Rosalie felt herself flush with embarrassment. She had forgotten she was still a lawyer!

“I guess the reason is… I truly think Warren owes Amelia too much. If Amelia were to die like this, there’d be no justice in this world!” she said, albeit with some hesitation. “If it really comes to a point where we have to force Warren… Will you help me?”

By then, it was clear from her expression that she was struggling with conflicting emotions. On one hand, going against the law was completely different from her usual persistent pursuit of justice. On the other hand, she didn’t want Amelia to die and leave Aiden without a mother!

Jonathan curled his lips into a smile. “Haven’t I already said that I’d help you with anything? No matter what it is, I’ll do it as long as you say the word. Even if there



are dangers ahead, you can always count on me to protect you.”

His voice, as usual, was calm and soft, but when paired with his naturally cold tone, it sounded like a melodious string of musical notes resonating in her heart. “However, don’t you think you’ll get in trouble for doing what I asked of you?” Rosalie piped up.

Jonathan held her hand firmly. “So what? I promised you before I’ll always care for and fight anyone for you, Rosie. Besides, everything I do for you is of my own free will.”

Meanwhile, Rosalie could feel her hand getting warmer in his.

The next second, she clutched the man’s hand and gently placed it in her palm. “Jon, you don’t have to do anything drastic for me. You’re the person I want to hold forever and also the one I want to protect!”

Jonathan felt his body shake as he fixed his dark eyes on Rosalie. After a while, he spoke up, his voice hoarse and deep. “You’re the only one in this world who can protect me.”

That was because she was his sole weakness, which meant she was the only person who could truly hurt him!

When Rosalie went to find Amelia again, the latter was about to head to the hospital for a follow-up consultation and medicine refill. As such, she quickly turned to Matilda and suggested, “I’ll accompany Amelia to the hospital. Please rest at home.”

“But, given your current condition…” Matilda muttered, feeling somewhat embarrassed. After all, Rosalie was a pregnant woman now.

“I’m doing pretty well, and besides, I have a driver and car. It’d be more convenient to send Amelia back and forth,” Rosalie reasoned.

After realizing that Rosalie’s words made a lot of sense, Matilda uttered gratefully, “Thank you, Rosie.”


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