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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike Chapter 610

Chapter 610

The scene in the hospital suddenly flashed through Rosalie’s mind. She told Calvin that she was the little girl who had saved him, but Calvin didn’t believe it because she had denied it too many times before.

But her denials were because of Jonathan, who was in front of her.

The cycle was like an irony.

Rosalie took a deep breath and said, “Jonathan, it’s between Calvin and me, and I wasn’t looking for you. I thought we had already made it clear.”

His eyes became colder, and he suddenly pinched her chin with his fingers.

“Ah!” Rosalie exclaimed when she felt the pain in her chin. He leaned closer again, the tip of his nose almost touching hers, so much so that she could count his eyelashes.

“Rosalie…” His hoarse voice sounded in her ear. “Have you ever regretted it? Do you regret begging me to let you go?”

Her body suddenly stiffened. Had she ever regretted it? Perhaps they would have gotten back together if she hadn’t done that initially. When he knelt at her feet and said he would trust her, love her, and give everything to her, she was not impressed.

Even if they did get together at that time, it didn’t mean that the problem between them was truly solved. They were from two different worlds to begin with, but now it had just returned to how it was meant to be. “I have never regretted it,” she answered.

The next moment, the pressure emitted from him seemed to suffocate her, which made her body shiver.

“Since you have never regretted it, don’t show up in front of me again. Otherwise, I won’t be merciful to you anymore!” Jonathan’s voice sounded cold. Suddenly, she only felt that her chin was about to be crushed by him.

When Rosalie returned to the rental home, she felt exhausted.

Many things had happened that day. The matter with Lucas, Fiona, Calvin, and even Jonathan seemed to be weighing her down, and she did not know how to deal with them.

Although she had almost vomited everything in her stomach at the entrance of Youngblood Group, she didn’t have any appetite for food at that moment.

Rosalie thought for a while and made herself some oatmeal with dried fruits.

While eating, she turned on her phone and read the news. Because Lillian had recently gone to Callum’s, she would also browse the news of the city where the White family was when reading the news.

When she read a piece of news, she was shocked. The title stated that the head of the White family had disappeared and the disappearance was a mystery. Even tens of millions of dollars of orders were about to be given up.

“Missing? Callum disappeared? Is it fake news or what?” Rosalie wondered.

Rosalie looked at the source of the news, which was a verified account. However, the news had not been trending so far.

The following comments were written by the netizens.

Rosalie hurriedly dialed Lillian’s phone number, but a sound that stated the line was busy came from the other end of the phone.

Rosalie made several calls in a row, but none of them went through

Suddenly, a strong sense of anxiety surged in her heart.

“Lillian… You must be okay!”

Rosalie quickly began to search the Internet for news about Callum, but the latest news about Callum was only the gossip news about his disappearance she had just read.

After all, Callum was only a businessman and not a celebrity. Even though he was the head of the White family, he received limited attention, so this news was not very popular.

“What is going on with Lillian? Why isn’t she answering the phone?” Rosalie also tried to send her WhatsApp messages. She tried all the ways to contact her, but she never replied.

Rosalie hesitated for a while and finally called Lillian’s parents. Their number was also saved in her phone address book, but later after she went to jail, she never called this number again because she was being hated by Lillian’s parents.

However, Lillian’s parents hated her for a reason. After all, it was because of her that Lillian gave up her studies and only stayed in a small design institute as a small designer after returning home.

Rosalie’s call was finally answered after a long time. A female voice with a nasal tone came from the phone. “Hello, who is it?”

“This is… Lillian’s mother, right?” Rosalie thought. She then answered, “I-It’s me. You’re Mrs. Quinn, right? I’m Rosalie…”

Before she could finish her words, Abigail, as if to vent her frustration, shouted, “Why did you call? If you are still grateful to Lillian, then don’t disturb our family at this time!”

With that, Abigail hung up the phone directly.

Rosalie was stunned and wanted to call again, but no one answered. She guessed that Abigail had directly blacklisted her number.

Rosalie stood up abruptly, took her wallet and keys, ran out of the rental home, and headed for the Quinn residence.

When she arrived at the Quinn residence and rang the doorbell, no one answered. Instead, the neighbor next door walked out and said, “Go and look for them. They have gone to the hospital. There’s nobody at home!”

“The hospital?” Rosalie was shocked.

“Yes. Their daughter, I heard, is seriously injured and is being saved in the hospital! I wonder how she’s doing now,” the neighbor muttered.

Rosalie was stunned. “What did you say? Lillian is seriously injured and is being saved in the hospital?”

“That’s what I heard,” the other party replied.

“W-Which hospital?” Rosalie’s lips were shaking when she asked this question. She seemed to have used all her strength to utter those words.

After knowing the specific hospital, Rosalie rushed out of the residential area and hailed a taxi.

Along the way, she tried her best to tell herself in her heart that it would be fine. Lillian must be fine. Perhaps the so-called serious injury was just a mistake on the neighbor’s part.

Although she told herself that, her body couldn’t help trembling and her heart beat extremely violently.


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