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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike Chapter 1147

Chapter 1147

Amelia quickly stood up and told the nurse. “He… He’s awake.”

“I’ll inform the doctor to come and examine him,” the nurse responded.

After the nurse left the ward, Amelia lowered her head, looking at the hand that he held. “Could you… let go for a moment? The doctor will come to check on you.”

However, Warren clung to her hand as if it were the only way to ensure her safety. “You… Are you really okay?”

“I’m fine, and the baby is fine too. Thank you for saving me… and our child,” she said.

His eyes flashed with surprise when she used the word “our,” as if she saw them as one, not two individuals.

“You’re okay, and the baby… is fine. It’s great,” he murmured. His voice, already hoarse, became even more fragmented due to the lump in his throat.

“Your neck is injured. Talk less,” Amelia urged.

His neck injury was much more severe than her own.

Obediently, with his dark eyes, he continued gazing at her while holding onto her hand, with no plan to let go of it.

Even when the doctor arrived to examine him, he did not release her


Warren’s postoperative condition was currently stable, and the most severe injury was to his neck. He was advised to limit his speech and consume only liquid foods for three days.

“Mr. York, you lost a significant amount of blood during the surgery, but fortunately, most of the blood we transfused into your body was your own, so there shouldn’t be any issues. However, we are aware that you donate blood regularly. Given your current condition, it is recommended not to donate blood for at least six months,” the doctor cautioned.

Upon hearing that, Warren’s expression instantly changed. He ignored the doctor’s order to speak less and asked, “The blood transfused into my body was mine?”



Chapter 1147

“Yes, your wife mentioned that you had blood stored at Women’s Health Hospital. It was fortunate that we used it in time. Otherwise, the blood bank’s supply of your rare blood type would have been insufficient, which could have been very dangerous.” The doctor sighed.

However, Warren’s expression worsened as he heard that.

The blood he had stored was for Amelia, but now it had been used for himself. He could not help but worry about what would happen when she needed blood for childbirth. What if the stored blood wasn’t enough for her when she needed it?

He thought, “Why… Why did they use that blood on me? They are not for


A sense of hopelessness washed over Warren, and he inadvertently released Amelia’s hand that he had been holding.

After the medical staff left, Amelia tried to help Warren adjust his blanket. “Why…” Warren’s voice sounded suddenly.

“Didn’t the doctor tell you to speak less? If you have something to say, wait for three days,” Amelia reminded.

Yet, Warren persisted, “Why did you bring up the stored blood? They shouldn’t have been used on me.”

“They are yours to begin with, so using them for yourself is e reasonable, isn’t it?” Amelia said.

“But you know that the blood is…” He wanted to say more, but s finger over his lips, quieting his words.

“Warren… Enough, that’s enough. You’ve done more than enough fo me,” she said gently, her voice devoid of its usual coldness and aloof instead carrying a tinge of compassion. “Moreover, you lost so much blood today to save me. Your blood might have been used on me anywa if you hadn’t used them.”

Even though she had said so, his deep-set eyes still held a touch of self-blame.

His sorrow seemed to have infected her as she suddenly embraced him.

It was a surprising move on her part that even she found unusual.

In the past, she might never have imagined herself willingly hugging


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en again.

ever, she was genuinely holding hih in now.

t guilt? Was it compassion? Or was its berhathing else?

ren, that’s enough… You don’t need to obtare yourself for anything. ou know? When your blood was transiusted back into your body, I rateful for this blood. If there was no biolold do for you and something le had happened, then I…” Her voice chekked as she spoke, making it ilt to continue. “Thankfully, you left the opoptrating table safely.”

en was frozen in place, and he could feel herwawarinbreath on his

as hugging him again, and he wondered how donlong it had been since ad embraced him so openly and willinglygly.

t were a distant memory, a time when she loved bihishes he would

s be the one to initiate a hug and playfully askahiihto kovove her more


then, she would say. “That’s not enough, I want you toukovłowerme

Warren, I’m a very greedy woman. If you can’t showeremetivith is always feel that it’s not sufficient.”

wers now..she said. “Enough! That’s enough!”h

ad ciused his eyes and opened his arms gently embracing teth re before him. He was afraid that this embrace was just a figment iontaicin fearing that this hug had never existed.cd.

Lysbocvediffened slightly, but she did not push Warren away she Bouwe dorive done so much for me. If I used to be afraid of you and

on, thoeanas feards gone now. I know that no matter what dangerge by dare, y bade.youlbrisk your life to save us.”

whinna lying lying on the operating table, her only thought was forfor fe.cafe.

hen that she redha dhlized how much she cared for him.

E, Warren, in deis, ho his hoarse voice, asked, “You’re not afraid of meme

I afraid of you anyoucany store she murmured. She was now afraidand rified of him getting ingdinjured.

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Chapter 1147

“Amelia… Amelia…” he muttered repeatedly, burying his face in her chest. His voice was choked with emotion.

Even though every word he spoke strained his wounds, he could not help but repeat her name.

It was as though her name had been weighing on his heart for far too long.

Amelia found herself lying on Warren’s hospital bed when she woke up.

The situation made her feel embarrassed.

While Warren’s ward was a VIP ward with a larger bed than standard rooms, there was still a sense of awkwardness lying side by side.

What made it even more uncomfortable was that she was met with Warren’s gaze when she opened her eyes.




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